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The surprising dangers of cooking and cleaning

When the Covid-19 pandemic forced global lockdowns earlier this year, one positive – if temporary – upside was a reduction in outdoor air pollution. Between early March and early May 2020, Airthings, a Norway-based manufacturer of smart air-quality monitors, analysed data of their users in the US and Europe and found levels of carbon dioxide and airborne particles called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) increased by 15 to 30% in more than 1,000 homes across several European countries. Similarly, data collected by Dyson of its registered air purifiers in 11 cities over four continents, found levels of VOCs and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) had risen in people’s homes since lockdown. "We spend 90% of our time indoors in developed countries, and yet all the focus, when it comes to pollution, is on the 10% of our time that we spend outdoors," says Nicola Carslaw, a professor of indoor air chemistry at the University of York.

Boy, 7, who was told he would never walk climbs Ben Nevis

A seven-year-old boy with cerebral palsy whose parents were told he would never walk has climbed the highest mountain in the British Isles. The parents of Caeden Thomson, from Corby, Northamptonshire, were also told he would never sit or talk. Caeden's mother Lisa Thomson said the challenge was "much harder than any of us really expected" but called her son "an absolute legend". Ms Thomson said: "From three quarters up the pathway is just massive piles of boulders and very hard to climb, and even at the top we didn't think he would make it down.

भारत के युवाओं के लिए रोज़गार की राह हुई और मुश्किल

खाका खींचती रॉस की किताब The Industries of the future एक तरह की गाइड है. तेज़ी से करते रहने के लिए. तब की सोचनी है तो अतुल जालान की किताब Where will Man take us? टेक्नोलॉजी के बीच द्वंद्व पर एक शानदार टिप्पणी है है और थोड़ा हौसला भी देता है.

तरुणांना नोकऱ्या मिळणे यापुढे दिवसेंदिवस कठीण होईल का?

जग कसं बदलेल, डेटा इज न्यू ऑईल असं का म्हटलं जात आहे, कंप्युटर गाईड म्हणून काम करू शकेल. जग कसं बदलेल, डेटा इज न्यू ऑईल असं का म्हटलं जात आहे, कंप्युटर हे पुस्तक वाचावं. मनुष्य आणि त्यानेच निर्माण केलेलं तंत्रज्ञान यांच्यातील द्वंद्वार हे पुस्तक

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