Sarah Montoya

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(she/her) Motherhood stories Twin mom plus one Pediatric Chaplain Postpartum Doula Contributer @bayarea.moms How to demand justice for Jacob Blake 👇

Member Since AUGUST 27, 2020
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I am so excited to have this fantastic crew of people home with me!!! ❤️ Three weeks ago I sent my kids to Maine with their dad and I stayed home. I never thought I’d be the type of parent that just let my kids leave for the summer. But I really needed to work, and when we looked at the cost of my husband traveling with the kids and compared it to camp we realize that camp is just too expensive. By choosing travel they got to see their cousins and play in the water. They had a great time and the experience cost less than camp. We really do need to be looking at childcare crisis when it cost less money to fly across the country than it does to just send your kids to camp. We are extremely lucky that my husband is a teacher, and he can watch the kids, but I’d love to be able to send the kids to camp with their classmates and other friends who live in the city - I am aware that parks and rec does provide affordable camps if you’re able to register for them the exact second they open. The thing is most families aren’t privileged enough to be able to fly across the country because it’s cheaper than camp. This is not a functional way for society to exist. We need to address the childcare crisis and we need to understand that the childcare crisis extends beyond the early years. @kamalaharris is the first presidential candidate who is talking about childcare (not golf ⛳️) so you know I’m excited!! Follow the tagged accounts to get involved in the fight for childcare and paid leave #childcarenow @momsrising @childcareforeveryfamilynetwork @momsfirstus @mothering.forward @motheringjustice @domesticworkers @familyvaluesatwork @paidleaveforall #momsforharris

It was a beautiful site this morning to see Democrats from all shades of blue and gathered at City Hall in support of our @vp and our next president @kamalaharris Shout out to @malia.cohen showing with her daughter in her arms letting us know that moms can and do lead! Women will win when we vote for them. It has never been about their qualifications. It has never been about their ability to lead. It has been about our willingness to vote for the qualified women. I am so tired of seeing amazing women miss their shot to lead because we don’t support them the way we need to. But this morning was beautiful, and I am EXCITED! Now it is time for us to get to work! ❤️Check your voter registration 💙Phone bank 🤍Door knock 🇺🇸Host a ballot party 🗳️VOTE BLUE Democracy is in the line and we the people have the power to save it 🇺🇸

We’re all in! It’s time to save democracy and with @kamalaharris we have the candidate we need to do it! We’ve been fans of the @vp for ages and we’ll support her every step of the way to the PRESIDENCY 🇺🇸 This photo is from our cross country road trip in 2019 when we stopped by her campaign office in Des Moines, IA. Did I mention that I once took 3 kids from San Francisco to NYC and back? 🚘 We can do hard things 😉 #kamalaharrisforthepeople #voteblue

Happy Monday Fantastic Humans❤️ This weekend gave me all the happy feels about living in San Francisco 🌁 There were gorgeous morning dog walks, celebrating Bastille on Belden @sf_downtown, delicious coffee from @therichfield seeing @doubtfireontour at @broadwaysf, and campaigning with @teamlondonbreed at the Clement Farmers Market - add in wonderful conversations with dear friends and zoom story time with the kids (they’re having an East Coast summer) It was a delightful weekend and I am feeling refreshed and ready for Monday ❤️

Hellooooo!! The @broadwaysf season has been so much fun this year! Right now @doubtfireontour is playing at the Orpheum until July 23 and it is so much nostalgic fun!! 🤩 The Orpheum is conveniently located close to @sfmta_muni and @sfbartable and so close to so much @sf_downtown @doubtfireontour is a super fun show perfect for families, date night or moms night out. I went with a dear friend and it sparked and fun conversation about the mental load of parenting and life with ADHD. I appreciate it that the updated version acknowledged that although the dad had made poor choices, he wasn’t actually a deadbeat. Dad and really did deserve time with his kids. They also acknowledge that the main character had ADHD and that impacted the whole situation. I also feel like the updated version did a good job showing the wife as a sympathetic character and not a villain but instead acknowledging that she made a really hard choice that she needed to make for herself and her family. If you’re looking for a feel good night out in San Francisco you should definitely check it out! Save and share this post if you grew up loving Mrs Doubtfire! Follow @sarahromontoya for more fun nights out in San Francisco

🌉When was the last time you spent time in @sf_downtown ?? I have driven by Belden Place, so many times and just thought it looks like the most delightful little alleyway and it is! It’s packed with outdoor restaurants that just looked delicious. It felt so playful and European. I really enjoyed being there and enjoying the live music and entertainment. For our dinner experience, we went to @samsgrillsf - it is the fifth oldest restaurant in the United States!! And we chose to escaped all of the excitement of the live music by sitting in one of their fully private booths. I’m so sorry I did not take a video, but it is a wonderful dining experience to just tuck away and be able to talk with your friends and family. I was there with my father-in-law who is in his 80s and so it felt lovely to be able to escape and enjoy the luxurious quiet before going outside to enjoy the entertainment. I would recommend this restaurant to anyone, but I think especially for families with grandparents who either live locally or who are visiting Sam’s is a really amazing place to enjoy a meal with family. 🇫🇷Bastille on Belden happens once a year, but I am looking forward to seeing what other downtown events there are because it was magical to be in downtown SF last night! Follow @sarahromontoya for all things San Francisco family ❤️

Learn about Project 25 in their own words. They are open about their plans to destroy America. 🇺🇸

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