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Dr. Josh Axe is a doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic and clinical nutritionist with a passion to help people get well using food as medicine, and operates one of the world’s largest natural health websites: www.DrAxe.com.

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How to Get Rid of Gas + 8 Natural Treatments

In addition, foods known as FODMAPS as well as foods you have a sensitivity to like lactose, can also cause gas pain. Certain conditions like lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance as well as other sensitivities to foods can cause digestive upset. This common digestive disorder affects the large intestine causing gas and gas pain, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and bloating. While generally caused by food, certain health conditions including lactose intolerance, Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease, a peptic ulcer, IBS, diverticulitis or gastroenteritis can cause gas and gas pains.

My Experience with Integrative Medicine and Natural Therapies

About a year after my Lyme diagnosis, I wasn’t getting better and my mother took me to Minnesota to see a dairy farmer who helped us do a treatment called Hyperimmune Bovine Colostrum Therapy (HBCT). The Lyme vaccination then causes the cows to develop antibodies to fight Lyme, which then pass into the colostrum, which I then drink. In 2018, I figured out that a combination of seeing a myofascial massage therapist every two weeks and an acupuncturist (who focuses specifically on the imbalance in my back and hips) every two weeks has helped me avoid the acute pain in my jaw that ends up making me bleed (from chewing on the side of my cheek). Overall, I always try to solve any health issues (be they emotional, mental or physical) naturally first, so I like to have an arsenal of great integrative medicine professionals and natural therapies to choose from when I need them.

7-Day Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

Setting up a meal plan for the Mediterranean diet is one of the best ways to meet your nutritional needs and stay on track toward your goals. There are also plenty of Mediterranean diet 30 day meal plan ideas and Mediterranean diet recipes out there, which you can use for inspiration to decide what foods to include. If you’re interested in prepping for an authentic Mediterranean diet meal plan, you’ll definitely want to consider investing in a set of high-quality containers to store your food in throughout the week. Check out this Mediterranean diet food list and use this handy Mediterranean diet meal plan shopping list to help get you going:

Vitamin B12 Side Effects & What They Mean

In recent years, research has unearthed a number of vitamin B12 side effects, including positive effects, such as its ability to improve energy levels, enhance mood and keep your heart healthy. While research is lacking on whether taking a vitamin B12 supplement can improve energy levels on its own, it can aid in energy production and may be especially beneficial for boosting energy levels if you’re lacking in this key micronutrient. Enjoying these foods alongside a variety of other healthy ingredients as part of a balanced diet can help ensure you meet your needs and reduce the risk of too much vitamin B12 side effects. For example, those with high blood pressure, heart problems, skin conditions, blood disorders, gout and low potassium levels should use vitamin B12 with caution and may want to consider talking to a trusted health care practitioner before starting supplementation.

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