Martina Jones

Score (What’s this?)

Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.

Pulse (What’s this?)

Perlu Pulse score measures how active a member is on Perlu, on a scale of 0 to 100.

A little bit about me grew up in Long Beach, California. Many of the residents like to call it Strong Beach because we are a proud and strong city. We are the perfect blend of beach bum and street. After my first round of college I bounced around from job to job, moved from Massachusetts to North Carolina then back down to California.

I have 2 amazing little boys: Ty is 7 and Tama is 3. I enjoy most moments with them but to be totally honest sometimes they drive me nuts. As a Libra I am constantly trying to find balance in all aspects of my life. Activities I enjoy are running, yoga and mediation to help me stayed balanced.

Location Long Beach, California Los Angeles
Country United States
Member Since NOVEMBER 28, 2018
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