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🥇Retired Show & Barn Hunt Champ 🐾 Smooth Fox Terrier 📍#Cambridge, #Boston, MA, and beyond! 🎂1.22.15 💗 Gotcha Day - 11.7.17

Member Since JANUARY 10, 2022
Social Audience 9K
reinasadventures 9K Last Month Last 3 Months
  • Posts 12 45
  • Engagement Rate 1.5% 1.3%
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  • Sponsored Engagement Rate N/A 1.1%
  • Avg Likes 114 94
  • Avg Comments 19 17
  • No categories for me, yet!

Nothing better than seeing these two smiling faces every day. These two continue to make my every day so much better. Their sweet, smiley, happy, playful personalities are so beautifully joyful. Reina has been acting like her usual self lately and it’s honestly so much of a relief to see, we do a lot more lounging than exercising but she is still happy as can be. I’m making sure her hydration levels are higher than in the past to keep her kidneys functioning well. We still have more vet appointments lined up. It’s definitely very daunting still to me knowing what we will one day have to face together but I am taking it day by day as best as I could. I love being present in the moments with Reina and Hugs. She’s been having a lot of fun playing with the hose on these hot days too. They are such fun dogs to be around. I’ve been a camp counselor for a bunch of kids this week at @theanimalpad for Camp Tappy Tails 🫶🏼, and it’s been a blast. Hugs has been coming with me each day and loves every moment of the attention from all the kids. He is so, so good with kids and it’s extremely heartwarming to see. I haven’t seen much he doesn’t like! He’s still available for adoption and would make the most perfect family dog ever. He would be a good companion on road trips, and just loves anything that involves being with people. Fostering him has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and I’m so thankful for this time. It definitely will be hard to say goodbye when he finds his forever family but I also will be so happy for him! As much as I would love to keep him, I love fostering and if I kept him it would be hard for me to foster other dogs who need it in the future. He is the best boy and one of my all-time favorite dogs ever, he will always be so special to me. ••• #reinapfoxterrier #reinastrong #foxterrier #happydoggo #adoptabledog #adoptables #adoptdontshop #dogdaysofsummer #dogsof_sandiego

Just popping in to say happy Friday! We hope everyone is staying cool and having a great end to their weeks! ••• #reinapfoxterrier #smoothfoxterrier #terriers #floppyears #happydoggo #summerdog #happydoghappylife #dogsthatexplore #dogsof_sandiego

Mentally, I am here. In Oregon with our friends, hiking and exploring new places every day, with Reina on a beach. Take me back. Things haven’t been easy since we have gotten back. I’ve found myself clumsily flailing and floundering facing a lot of sh*t to put it frankly. I’ve felt so lonely and lost. Nobody ever tells you the hard part of owning a dog is watching them grow older, being faced with tougher and harder decisions. You never know how much time you get and that is so hard for me. I’m watching Reina happily play with her favorite toy right now and smiling knowing she’s feeling good but I’ve been plagued with so many feelings since she was in the hospital. I am constantly on the edge feeling panicked that something could go wrong at any second again. Living in fear is exhausting. I am so angry, I am so sad, I am so scared, I feel so helpless because Reina can’t use her voice to tell me what she needs. I break down in tears almost every day. It’s all up to me to make the best decisions to pretty much save her life from here on out. All I can keep doing is taking care of her as best, make sure she’s happy and as comfortable as I can, and let her live a normal as possible life like she’s used to. We still have so much to do. So many things to see. Mountains to hike. So many places to go. I need more time. Lot’s and lot’s and lot’s of it because I can’t picture my world without Reina. I really need her to stick around for a long ass time longer and a hug. I’ve honestly never missed the east coast and home so much. ••• #reinapfoxterrier #reinastrong #foxterrier #happydoggo #dogsthatexplore #dogtravel #wanderlust #kidneydisease #kidney #doghealth #dogcare

Stay cool 😎, it’s hot out there! Reina and I being original New England girlies are def not used to the dry heat here! We take little breaks to get outside during the day, including playing with the hose which is Reina’s favorite! She is acting very much like her normal happy self which I am so thankful for. She’s eating, drinking, and using the potty perfectly. In her latest labs, her numbers had increased just barely but she is still stable. The vet would like to get her to the point where she’s not losing as much protein in her urine so we are trying to tackle that next. More appointments are upcoming. This hasn’t been a great month since getting back from our trip and finding out Reina’s kidneys had worsened like they did, however I am so thankful for all the people we have had by our side during this time. We love you so much and you know who you are! This girl is my world, and I’m so thankful for the friends and family who have reached out offering their support. We are lucky to have so many people there for us 🩵 ••• #reinapfoxterrier #reinastrong #heartandsoul #heartdog #kidneydisease #kidney #smoothfoxterrier #doghealth #dogsthatexplore #dogsthathike

Happy Saturday smiles from this cutie are my favorite! We hope everyone is having a great weekend! ••• ✨ Fashion deets: ✨ My collar is made by @dogonthemoon, use code: REINAMOON to save at their shop! ______________________________________ 👑👑👑👑👑👑👑💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 #reinapfoxterrier #reinastrong💜 #thequeen #happydoggo #dogsmiles #smilingdog #floppyears #dogsthatexplore #terriers #foxterrier

Happy Fourth of July from these two patriotic cuties! This is Hugs’ first Fourth of July since he was brought to the states from Mexico to the states earlier this winter! Doesn’t he look so dapper in his bandana 🥹? He’s adoptable through @theanimalpad and looking for his forever! ✨ Fashion deets: ✨ My bandana was made by @copilotcollections! You can save at Bri’s shop by using code: REINA

Reina seems to be feeling pretty good after her scare this past week. We will be going in for her follow up soon, I’m crossing my fingers 🤞🏼and manifesting good news. I’m hoping we will get some much needed answers, a management plan, and that I will feel less panicked. We’d love all the good vibes sent in our way. We need it. We need it more than anything. I feel as if I’ve been walking on eggshells, tiptoeing around. I hate living in fear of what may happen. I want to go back to less worrying, but that feels impossible. My anxiety has been kicked into overdrive. Reina as you all know, is my entire world. Reina doesn’t seem to understand why we aren’t going for her long walks, why I’ve been so scared, and why I cry a lot. I’m trying my best to not let her pick up on my emotions but I feel very scared. I wish I could hold her in my arms forever & ever like I always tell her. I wish I could take her kidneys and put them in my body. She can have mine. I’d do anything for her not to have bad kidneys. Life’s really not fair at times. It would be wrong for me to admit that I’m okay when dealing with this is emotionally one of the hardest mountains I’ve climbed and I’ve been through a lot of sh*t. Reina doesn’t think anything is wrong and I love that for her. She is trotting around the house, begging for treats, pottying well, taking her meds & eating, and making me smile despite all of this. She is so full of attention and affection for me. I must have received about 500 kisses a day. If it weren’t for my friends and family I don’t know if I would still be standing. Hugs is doing a pretty damn good job of snuggling me almost as much as Reina. I love you, Reiny. I’m going to keep fighting for you. This caption is all over the place just like my mind is much these days… but that’s the update I have for you this time. #reinapfoxterrier #reinastrong #kidneydisease #kidney #kidneyhealth #kidneyfailure #smoothfoxterrier #happydoggo #happydoglife #dogcare #doghealth #dogsthatexplore

Given everything that has happened this past week, I am so grateful. Reina is stable, she is acting like her usual spunky loving self. If I hadn’t have been there with her in the ER, I would have all thought it was a bad nightmare. She is happy, she is eating, she is drinking, she wants to go on long walks and gets disappointed when we don’t. I don’t know what the future will hold, we are still working on a management plan for her to keep her happy and healthy as long as possible. We have managed her PLN for almost four years which is amazing. I know she can keep going and continue to live her best life by my side. I don’t think this girl will sadly be going on any more 50+ miles of hiking trips but I still think she has many more adventures to take. 💕 #reinapfoxterrier #kidneydisease #proteinlosingnephropathy #kidneyfailure #reinastrong #happydoghappylife #roadtrippers

She’s my world and we still have so much left to do together. 💕

Reina sunbathing in her spot yesterday after coming home. ♥︎ This moment was the first true moment of peace I’ve felt during this whole ordeal. I definitely won’t be okay over this for a decent bit. It was traumatic for both Reina and myself. A little update :) Reina is back trotting around after me when I walk through the house, begging for treats she can’t have, wanting to go on long walks when we have to take it easy, and taking her medicine well. We have a long way to go when it comes to getting answers as to why this happened and she will need to see an internist and cardiologist soon. I am hoping that this was a fluke, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. She is my world, and even though she is irritated about wanting to adventure and needing to rest I’ll do anything to keep her healthy. ••• #reinapfoxterrier

Reina is home from 2.5 days in the ER. After a whirlwind of the hardest, worst, longest days of my life, Reina is back in my arms. She was hospitalized for her kidney disease where she was in near kidney failure numbers. She made a remarkable comeback thanks to her amazing care of ER vets. I am so grateful for the amazing friends who kept me together this week too and guided me in making the right decisions that were best for Reina. In such a scary, traumatic, hard time being more than 3k miles away from my family, I’ve never felt so supported by our amazing community of friends. I was fed, comforted, kept warm, advised, and helped in so many ways I can’t even begin to subscribe. Reina and I are so lucky to have our people and doggo pals. Reina is even stronger than I ever have thought possible. She is such a fighter and never once gave up. Reina, I love you so so much and you have always been by my side. I truly do not know who I am as an individual without you because we are so soulfully intertwined. You are my heart, my soul, my home, my everything. I got you and I’ll do everything I can to make sure you stay healthy. I never want to see you in pain and suffering. You are so brave, strong, special, remarkable, a fighter, and a miracle. I love you my sweet stubborn girl. Let’s go make a hell of a lot more memories together. I cannot thank my family in particular my uncle who is Reina’s old vet enough. He knew exactly what she needed from across the country and I jumped into action in seconds. There is nothing more important to me than Reina. To all our IG community, from the bottom of our hearts thank you for your messages. They truly helped buoy me and keep me from breaking. You all rock. ♥︎

Dogs have the special gift of knowing how to bring the purest of joy. Dang, I love this girly. #reinapfoxterrier #dogsthatexplore #hikingdogs #roadtrippers #trendingaudios #makingmemories❤️

We’re back safe & sound in SD after an epic 11-day adventure through the PNW! We made so many special memories celebrating Bo’s 11th birthday. From visiting 3 National Parks & several state parks, a national historic park, to 50+ miles of hiking, we squeezed in more than I can believe! There were 3377.8 miles driven, I took 3315 photos & videos on my phone not counting the thousands on Kaela’s camera, we stayed in 8 different cities! No wonder Reina and I still are tired 😴. Some of our highlights include visiting so many picturesque spots I’ve always dreamed of, Reina thriving on the longest roadtrip I’ve ever taken her on, meeting new friends from Insta, and reuniting with a close college friend in Oregon. I can’t wait to go back to Oregon & Washington one day soon! I fell in love with so many places we went. Cheers to the beautiful places we got to see! I’m so grateful for Kaela & Bo—couldn’t have done it without them! We love you both so much! Thanks for inviting us along! So lucky that our dogs get along! It’s still crazy to me that Kaela & I met off Instagram so long ago and she’s one of my best friends today that I get to see all the time now that we are out here! I’m thankful for the dog Instagram community. I can’t wait for our next adventure, time to get to planning! This was one epic trip I’ll never forget. Where should we go next? ••• #reinapfoxterrier #epictravels #roadtrippers #dogsthatexplore #terriers #pnwadventures #travelwithfriends #nationalparks #smoothfoxterrier #nationalparksusa #outdoorlifestyle #hikemoreworryless

Officially can cross visiting the Redwood National Park together off our list! Reina was also sworn in to get her first Bark Ranger tag today at the NP gift shop & headquarters in Crescent City! The trails and beaches we went to continue to amaze me! They’re unlike nothing I’ve ever seen. Cheers to visiting our fifth national park together since September! 🫶🏼 ••• ✨ Fashion deets: ✨ My collar was made by @dogonthemoon ! You can save at Bri’s shop by using code: REINAMOON

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