Madi Wilson

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I share the good, bad and ugly side of weight loss, PCOS and being in recovery for eating disorders. I am 100% open and honest with my followers and they have a lot of trust in me.

I love sharing healthy meal ideas and snacks, workout clothes, fitness gear as well as skin care and makeup.

Through my amazon store and affiliate codes, I've found my followers really enjoy the products I truly like.

Member Since OCTOBER 16, 2019
Social Audience 94K
itsfitmadiwilson 88K Last Month Last 3 Months
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Does the scale make you feel like crap?! I’ve spent SO much time and energy trying to lower this stupid number. If I lost a few lbs, it would be a great day and I was happy with myself BUT if I gained, I was a horrible person. I sucked. I failed. I would punish myself. I’ve always had a bad relationship with the scale and recently I was sucked back in for a day. The moment I did it, I said to myself: “I will NOT let this number control how I feel” I enjoy tracking muscle mass every once in awhile but lbs?! Nope, I’m done. You can NOT see how healthy you are from 1 number. But most important, YOUR WEIGHT DOESNT DEFINE YOUR SELF WORTH Focus on how you feel. Focus on joyful movement. Focus on love. Be kind to yourself. Xoxo #bodyacceptance #morethananumber #nomorescales #morethanasize #iweigh #numberonthescale #bodypositive #healthishappiness #scalesarebs #pcos #healthyliving #pcosweightloss

Unlock the secrets ⬇️ Mix It Up:❗️❗️❗️ Rotate between various workouts to keep things interesting. From yoga to high-intensity training, variety is key. Get new workout equipment, try new classes! MIX IT UP! Workout Only Shows: You know that show you’ve been wanting to watch? (I want to rewatch Travelers) or audiobook you want to listen to? Well now you can only enjoy it while exercising! (This works so well, trust!) Find Your Passion: Joyful movement! What’s something that gets you moving that’s not being stuck on a treadmill? Keep discovering activities that genuinely excites you. One of my favs is gardening! Buddy Up: Exercise becomes a social event when you bring a friend along. It’s a fun way to stay motivated and share the experience. Me and my lash girl are going to do Pilates here soon and I’m so excited! Gamify Your Workouts: Turn exercise into a game! Apps and fitness trackers often have challenges and rewards that add a playful element. Reward System: Treat yourself after a good workout. Whether it’s a healthy snack, a relaxing bath, or a guilty pleasure, having a reward waiting can make exercise more enticing. ✍️ ❗️ What’s your secret?! What helps you?? Comment below so help others! #staymotivated #workoutmotivation #exercisemotivation #moveyourbody #joyfulmovement

All jokes aside… No matter what you are going through, make those doctor appointments, fight for your health, prioritize self-care, be kind to yourself, and NEVER GIVE UP. For those following my journey… TESTING IS DONE! ✅ I did it! ✨ I showed up for myself and got it done 👏 Now I just wait and see! It’s out of my hands 🙌 Waiting has been so hard during my battle with these tumors BUT IT DOES GET EASIER! •••••Distraction is key 🔑 I just ordered an omelet, I got @cw_crazyxgf playing and my puppy in my lap. 😜 #chronicallyawesome #chronicillnessawareness #healthandwellness #healthjourney

Let’s embrace our power to create the life we’ve always dreamed of! 💪✨ Despite challenges and hardships, remember that we are resilient! (I forget I am a lot 😅) Our pasts doesn’t define us; it’s the fuel for our future.⛽️🔥 ✨We got to rise above, set bold goals, take little steps and actions each day, and let every challenge be a stepping stone to the extraordinary life WE ARE capable of. ➡️➡️➡️Comment 🔥 below if you are ready! #YouAreCapable #RiseAbove #DreamBig #OvercomeChallenges #yougotthis #betteringmyself #InspirationNation #LifeGoals #PositiveChange #HabitBuilding #WellnessJourney #GoalSettingTips #MindsetMatters #SelfCareHacks #learnandgrow #Iamworthy

READ ME ✨Progress may be slow, but it’s the steady rhythm of ‘little by little’ that leads to something extraordinary. 🌱✨ In a world that often demands more, remember that even the smallest steps forward are victories in themselves! Join me on this journey—one small step at a time. Little by little, let’s build a foundation of well-being that lasts. Your wellness journey begins with the decision to start. 💪💚🌟 #PCOSSupport #PCOSWarrior #PCOSCommunity #LittleByLittle #ProgressNotPerfection #WellnessJourney #SmallSteps #VictoriesInEveryStep #JourneyToWellBeing #MindfulProgress #SteadyRhythm #CelebrateSuccess #EveryStepMatters

PLEASE fight for yourself! Fighting for your well-being and practicing self-advocacy with your doctor is not just important ✨—it’s transformative.✨ And it can save your life… PERSONAL STORY 🙃 About 2 years ago, my doctor told me to not worry about the lump in my neck. He said “you’re young and healthy” 🙃 For almost a year I knew something was wrong, I knew I was sick. I fought hard, I made more appointments, measured the lump, asked for lab work, I didn’t give up. After a year of advocating for myself my doctor took it seriously and ordered an ultrasound and that came back abnormal. I did a biopsy that came back abnormal so many CT, MRI, pet scans, then surgery. My doctor told me I was young and healthy… But I knew my body and I advocated for myself. If I didn’t, I don’t know if I would be here today. PLEASE fight for yourself. Your voice shapes your healthcare story, fostering collaboration, clarity, and a path to personalized healing. 💪🏥 #HealthAdvocate #SelfAdvocacy #EmpowerYourHealth #HealthJourney #WellnessWarrior #SelfAdvocacy #EmpowerYourHealth #HealingJourney #PatientEmpowerment #HealthIsWealth #SelfCareRevolution #AdvocateForHealth #HealthyLiving #WellnessAdvocate

Early detection is our strongest ally in the fight against breast cancer. 💗 Regular check-ups and self-exams can make all the difference in the fight against breast cancer! 💕💕Early detection saves lives!! 💕💕 I just got my first mammogram and ultrasound done! I was so scared at first but IT’S NOT BAD AT ALL!!! I always heard it hurts so bad and that the girls get squish so bad like a pancake! ‼️On the real real, getting a PAP hurts WAY more! The mammogram was so quick and easy! Don’t let fear stop you from getting checked! 💕 #BreastCancerAwareness #EarlyDetectionSavesLives #BreastCancerAwareness #PinkOctober #EarlyDetectionSavesLives #ThinkPink #Mammogram #PinkRibbon #FightLikeAGirl #BreastCancerResearch #GetChecked #breastcancerawarenessmonth

Action is the precursor to motivation. 🌻 ➡️Action comes first, motivation comes after. We want to START saying: “I need to take action to get motivated.” Day 4 of sticking to a routine 👏 I’m so proud of myself! • Movement • Nutritious foods • Getting outside • Journaling • Affirmations • Self help book • Staying Positive Reminder, action creates motivation! Not the other way around!!! #healthyroutine #stayinghealthy #howtobehappy #selfcare #selfcarefirst #putyourselffirst #stayingpositive #betteringmyself #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #howtogetmotivated #motivation #shein

Dear Me, I want to start by saying that you are incredible, and you deserve all the love and happiness in the world. I promise to always love you, no matter what. Remember to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Eating healthy is a way to show self-love and respect for your body. It fuels you for all the adventures and challenges life throws your way. Stay positive, even when things get tough. You have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle. Always believe in your ability to change your life for the better. You are the author of your own story, and every day is a chance to rewrite it. Keep going, keep fighting. Life can be challenging, but your determination is a force to be reckoned with. You have the power to persevere and emerge stronger from any situation. Never forget that you deserve to be healthy and happy. You deserve to feel amazing in your own skin. This is your one and only life, so make it extraordinary. With all my love, Me #dearme #bodyacceptance #bodyneutrality #selflove #betteringmyself #workinginprogress #selflovejourney #bodyacceptancemovement #noairbrushedme #womenshealth #positivemindset #keepgoing #keepgrowing

6 Tips to Keep Your Motivation Going! 🎉 Set goals 🎯, find a workout buddy 🏋️, switch it up 🔄, treat yourself 🍰, track progress 📈, and visualize success 🌟 Motivation may ebb and flow, but your progress is worth celebrating! Who’s with me?! Comment below if you are ready for a change!!! I wanna see it! 🎉 🙏 #fitnessmotivation #workoutgoals #healthylifestyle #fitlife #gyminspiration #bodytransformation #fitnessjourney #sweatitout #strongnotskinny #fitnessaddict #exercisedaily #wellnesswednesday #fitfam #bodypositive #mindovermatter #trainhard #noexcuses #healthandfitness #stayactive #fitgoals

6 Tips to Keep Your Motivation Going! 🎉 Set goals 🎯, find a workout buddy 🏋️, switch it up 🔄, treat yourself 🍰, track progress 📈, and visualize success 🌟 Motivation may ebb and flow and that’s 100% normal!! But let’s keep going! Who’s with me?! Comment below if you are ready for a change!!! I wanna see it! 🎉 🙏 #fitnessmotivation #workoutgoals #healthylifestyle #fitlife #gyminspiration #bodytransformation #fitnessjourney #sweatitout #strongnotskinny #fitnessaddict #exercisedaily #wellnesswednesday #fitfam #bodypositive #mindovermatter #trainhard #noexcuses #healthandfitness #stayactive #fitgoals

Let’s take a break from the pose-perfect standards!🙅‍♀️❌ Remember, reality IS beautiful! ✨ 🪩🪩Outfit from @cls_sportswear 💕 (My favorite legging company) Use code: itsfitmadiwilson to save! 🪩🪩 #posedvsreality #instagramvsreality #igvsreality #bodypositivity #bodyneutrality #realnotretouched #selflovejourney #bodyacceptance #lovetheskinyourein

But why is it so hard sometimes 😅 KEEP READING… Really tho, it’s only ever really difficult to do the things I say that I’m going to do when I have TOO MUCH on my todo list. Goals are great, yes… BUTTTTT we gotta remember to keep it simple and keep that list short. 👏 So lets pick 3 and stick with them! For me: MOVEMENT, MEAL PLANS, SELF CARE EVERY 👏 SINGLE 👏 DAY 👏 Let me know what your top daily action is! I wanna know! (I won’t add it to my list just yet 🤣) Also please save this! I haven’t been as active so people aren’t seeing my stuff 😅 #selfimprovement #selflove #selfconfidence #howtobeconfident #selfimprovementdaily #howtobehappy #confident #confidence #betteryourself #betteryou

The 1 thing that helped my PCOS is…BEING AN ADVOCATE FOR MYSELF September is #PCOS Awareness Month so I wanted to start off this month with some tips! #pcoaawarenessmonth Advocating for yourself to a doctor about PCOS involves clear communication and preparation. Be sure to: 1️⃣ Educate Yourself: Research PCOS symptoms, treatments, and potential concerns so you can have an informed conversation. 2️⃣ Prepare Questions: Write down your symptoms, concerns, and any questions you have about PCOS and its management. 3️⃣ Be Honest: Share your medical history, lifestyle, and any relevant information openly. 4️⃣ Express Concerns: Clearly communicate your worries and challenges related to PCOS, such as fertility concerns or specific symptoms. 5️⃣ Request Tests: If needed, ask about diagnostic tests or evaluations to confirm PCOS and rule out other conditions. (For me, testosterone levels) 6️⃣ Discuss Treatment Options: Inquire about different treatment approaches, medications, and lifestyle changes that could help manage PCOS. 7️⃣ Ask for Explanation IN TEXT; If something isn’t clear, ask the doctor to explain EVERYTHING via message OR on your discharge papers. 8️⃣ Follow Up: Schedule follow-up appointments to track progress and discuss any changes or concerns. 9️⃣ Consider 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) Opinions: Don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion if you’re uncertain about the diagnosis or treatment plan. 💕Remember, advocating for yourself is about collaborating with your doctor to find the best solution for your health!!!! Managing PCOS can be so difficult but please 👏NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR HEALTH!!!!👏 You got this!! #pcos #PCOSAwareness #PCOSSupport #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #PCOSCommunity #PCOSJourney #PCOSDiet #PCOSTreatment #PCOSWarrior #PCOSLife #pcosawareness

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