Amanda Martinotti

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I'm an intuitive life coach that helps women and men nationwide overcome trauma through the help of their animal spirit guides. I also am a wolf therian who wishes to help other therians embrace their true self for mental clarity, and spiritual direction.

I am a animal psychic, and animal reiki master. It is my life's mission to help frustrated pet owners understand their fur baby's needs and increase the bond between humans and animals.

I am passionate about exploring our creative energy, embracing our spiritual path, and bonding with our animal allies.

Location Childress , Texas
Country United States of America
Member Since FEBRUARY 02, 2019
Social Audience 1K Last Month
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Women Have Fantasies Too! Aven Forest

Here are 4 best porn sites for women! Most recently, this adult website releases quick, porngraphic content that is created off of people’s real life experiences.– Anna Richards searched online one day for porn only to find that the industry seemed to take a liking to masculine driven content. Anna creates all of the content on her website with women’s lusty fantasies in mind.

Five Foods That Will Help Heal Your Gut Chakra

When unbalanced it can also leave a lack of self-worth, and self-respect leaving people prey to falling for people, jobs, and other things that are not serving their greatest good. Here are five nourishing, healthy foods that will help reduce inflammation within the body and help you balance your third chakra. While this peptide has been getting praise from beauty lovers worlwide, this peptide is believed to also be able to aid in balancing your solar plexus chakra. If you’d like to find out what chakras including your solar plexus head to my Etsy shop and book a reading with me!

The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning and How to Apply it to Your Life

When the emperor comes up in a reading there is a need for control or lack of control in one or many areas of your life. This card can also mean that you need to let go of control. It can also signify pregnancy especially with the Empress card or another tarot card that represents pregnancy. The emperor regarding finance is a wake-up call that you need to be mindful of spending and create a finance plan or budget.

Mabon Rituals: 4 Simple Ways to Celebrate This Pagan Holiday

Can Do at Home During the Corona Virus With Corona Virus still in the United States, it may be hard to go to a festival as they may be canceled. Inhale the cozy smells of cinnamon, earth, and soil as you wander throuhg a wonderland of fall foliage, winding trails, babbling brooks, and more! Ask nature first if it’s okay, then as long as Mother Earth permits bring it to cuddle and keep you cozy during the cold fall and winter nights! If you’d like more information on Mabon please also feel free to visit this wonderful article: Want to see what the autumn Equinox holds for you?

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