Rachel Ramey

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I'm a Christian homeschooling mama attempting to live a healthful lifestyle. My blog offers encouragement and practical ideas gleaned from my own journey.

Location Winchester, Virginia
Country United States
Member Since JULY 19, 2018
Social Audience 7K
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Personal Daily Bible Reading Might Not Be As Important As You Think

We need to allow ourselves to think outside the box a little and consider why Bible reading matters and whether there are other practices that can accomplish the same thing in addition to — or, yes, sometimes even instead of — sitting and reading individually. I highly recommend making time for it (them) if you possibly can, even if it’s just five minutes a day to read or a single half-hour block of study in a week. * Scripture music – Playing Scripture set to music as you go about your day is an excellent way to take in a lot of Scripture (albeit usually not in large chunks) when you aren’t able to take time out from your necessary tasks. But overvaluing how the “reading” is happening and undervaluing all these other routes of exposure can lead us to look at the mama who’s attending church every week, reading the Bible every night with her family, and listening to Scripture on her stereo all day most days, and conclude that she’s falling short as a Christian because she isn’t also setting aside a second time of day (in addition to the family worship time) to read the Bible for only herself.

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