Erica Sandwall

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Life as a disabled mom with a disabled son. Book & Product Reviews..Life in General.

Member Since NOVEMBER 28, 2018
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Places to Declutter When You Don’t Know Where to Start

Ready to de-clutter the home and keep it organized? To help make it easier, here you’ll discover the best places to start when de-cluttering the home. This tends to be one of the smallest rooms of the home, making it much easier to de-clutter than others. You don’t have to start on any particular room to successfully de-clutter the home.

Bad Habits That Keep Your House Cluttered

Did you know there’s a lot of bad habits you could be unknowingly adopting that are keeping your house cluttered? Letting go of bad habits isn’t easy, but it is necessary if you want to keep a clean and organized home. Another habit that’s going to really keep the home looking cluttered, is not putting things away. A small bad habit that can make a big difference to how the room looks, is to leave tangled cables on show.

Dealing with the Emotional Overwhelm of Clutter

Here, we’ll look at some of the most common emotional challenges that can keep you from de-cluttering the home and how you can overcome them. Just because we don’t necessarily need them, doesn’t mean it’s easy to let them go. If you do find yourself buying new things to fill a void, you’ll want to start looking at other ways to comfort yourself. It’s common to get overwhelmed when you start to remove the clutter from the home.

Organizing Mistakes That Make Your House Look Cluttered

So, to help you de-clutter and keep the home looking clean and tidy, below you’ll discover some of the top organization mistakes to avoid. Three of the most common places to lave piles of paperwork include the entryway, bookcase and kitchen countertops. So, while it’s important to separate items into categories, you need to make sure you’re not overdoing it. Whether you have a sentimental connection to the item, or whether you think you might need it later, unused items can create a lot of clutter in the home.

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