Sarah Rose Summers

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Widely known as Miss USA 2018, I graduated cum laude from Texas Christian University in four years with two degrees while working part-time as a pilates instructor and at Lululemon Athletica. Following graduation, I completed my clinical rotations to become a Certified Child Life Specialist. In addition to child advocacy, I am passionate about encouraging others to have a healthy relationship with food and fitness - I spoke out about body shaming during my year as Miss USA to shine a light on society’s distorted ideals of beauty. I can now be found hosting events, in cute workout gear taking a dance party cycling class, or on your podcast source through my new podcast.

Member Since JUNE 18, 2020
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I received the Born Abel: The Case Of The Missing Belly Button book at my baby shower in December. Fast forward 6 months, Caden is here and in a new Born Abel book! #thisisanomphalocele #owarrior #auntielife #auntlife #nephews #storytime

Caden’s no longer the baby of the Summers family! So sweet to be home to welcome cousin Teagan Jo to the world🎀💕 way to go @jess.summers1 @biographyofscott #auntielife #niece #familytime #firstgirl #firstgranddaughter

Caden was due February 7th. We found out about his birth defect at my 20 week anatomy scan. He arrived December 28. My family was in town for Christmas since I couldn’t travel as a high risk pregnancy. We went to the mall around 10am to bring Kipton to the Lego store. The men took the boys home for nap at about noon. @deesummersi, @jess.summersi, and I stayed to shop around. As we were walking by the food court to leave for our nail appointment, I felt like my water broke (at least from what I’ve seen on TV). I quickly realized it was blood. I called Conner at 1:46 and said, “I’m bleeding. Meet me at the hospital.” I then called my OB’s emergency’s line and they told me not to sit down and to get an ambulance right away. I called 911 at 1:49 while I made my mom call the nail salon to let them know we wouldn’t be making our appointments. After leaving a trail of blood through the mall, we were waiting outside when ambulance arrived at 2:02. Mom came along in the front of the ambulance so two EMTs could get 2 IVs in me, monitor my scary blood loss, and high blood pressure. (@jess.summers1 followed in our car and arrived about 15 minutes later due to Dallas traffic). The ambulance ride was horrifying but I did not let myself cry because when I did whimper, I gushed blood. I didn’t want to lose too much blood and lose consciousness. The ride was 8 minutes of wondering if I was going to the hospital to have a stillborn after the EMT asked if I was feeling any movement from baby. I wasn’t. When we got to the hospital they rushed us right up to labor and delivery and put a fetal heart rate monitor on. After having been in fight or flight mode since the bleeding began, I cried tears of relief when we heard his heartbeat. Then asked “okay what now?” Due to my amount of blood loss, they couldn’t send me to antepartum to keep me cookin him so they got me an epidural and we were off for an emergency C-section at 34 weeks. On top of everything, my OB was out of the country for Christmas so I met like all of the on-call doctors in a matter of minutes. To this day I still don’t remember the names of who checked my dilation, cut, stitched, etc.

Key to getting your own row on Southwest…bring a baby. hOmaha here we come!! ✈️

First taste of “food” for our avocutie caught on camera 🥑 #solids #avocado #babyeating

I read something recently that said “you’ll never meet someone trying to hold onto something like a brunette who was blonde as a child” I feel that. Thanks for keeping me blonde @madisonpiperhair ily.

6 months with our little fighter 🤍 Caden is 10 pounds 5 ounces thanks to mommy’s milk fortified with formula through his tubie. He’s still in mostly newborn clothes but some 0-3 months and officially size 1 diapers! He loves music, faces, his paci, crinkle books, chomping on toys, walks in his big boy stroller, and his kick play piano. His head strength has gotten so much better and we’re working on prop sitting and rolling with his PT. His surgeon is still thinking they’ll do his Omphalocele closure surgery at about 2-years-old however he’ll reassess every 6 months. We are no longer doing the “paint” portion of the “paint and wait” process as the omphalocele has fully epithelialized (skin has fully grown over the membrane). This is very exciting because it means he can be fully submerged in water now - so long sponge baths! Caden can wear clothing like normal as he’s “grown into” his omphalocele. It is still classified as a giant O because it contains partial small and large intestine and his full liver. Our biggest prayer is that Caden would have the willingness, desire, and ability to eat. His abdominal malformation (organs out of order) is likely what hinders this. We are working with a feeding therapist we trust and are remaining hopeful. The sooner the better because he’s getting much more grabby with his tube. Plus the ng tube keeps his esophageal sphincter open which we believe contributes to his large throw ups. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers for our buddy and us as we continue along this journey. 6, 5, 4, 3, 1 months (mommy missed 2 months while we were in the nicu whoops)

Such a sweet first Independence Day with our little firework. The 4th has always been one of my favorite holidays and today made me excited to create lasting memories so one day Caden may say the same. I hope you had a fun, safe day celebrating our great nation. #independenceday #4thofjuly

Conner and I began to think about a verse we would speak and pray over Caden after dedicating him at Church a few Sundays ago. We came across the below verse in Isaiah and felt it was fitting with all Caden has already endured in his first 6 months of life. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2 This has been ours and Caden’s testimony. We’ve known and felt the Lord is with us and we will continue to pray that Caden grows into a man that knows where his strength comes from.

4th of July nails loading… #summernails #nailinspo

#ad Never knew “day in the life” reels could be this sweet 🥹 We’re definitely in a season of life where naps and self-care are hard to come by but oh so needed, that’s why I’m so thankful to partner with @handandstoneusa to take a moment for me 🫶🏼 #dayinthelife #minivlog #handandstone #family #newmom #firsttimemom #baby

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