Zeyna Sanjania

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Wife • Mummy to 2 Boys • British Indian Expat • Family & Lifestyle Blogger • Dubai, UAE 💌mummyonmymind@gmail.com #MummyOnMyMindDoodles #MummyOnMyMind

Member Since FEBRUARY 26, 2019
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Things I said Alhumdulillah for in March... • Mummy on My Mind

Use zeyna20 to grab yourself a 20% discount when you shop for Johnsons Baby products on noon.com… Happy Shopping! It was truly mesmerising and beautiful to be able to see one of Allah’s glorious creations up close and personal, through the use of technology. Enjoying the most blissful 60 minutes thanks to Burj Plaza who kindly gifted me a spa day in celebration of International Women’s Day. Testing out the Muslim Kid’s app called Miraj Stories with my 6 and 3 year old boys, and loving it!

Muslim Kids App : Review & Discount Link... • Mummy on My Mind

Miraj Stories is a UK based Muslim Kids app that aids Islamic learning with a wide range of the best educational games, books, videos and audio. Apart from the digital books, there are a range of educational games teaching Arabic alphabets and letters, kid friendly lectures (we love listening to The Azharis), learning the 99 names of Allah and eye catching puzzles for the kids to enjoy. My Special Angels” after having my eye on it for a long time, so to see the book being added to the Miraj Stories library of picture books was just amazing! The interface is extremely kids friendly, easy enough for my 6 year old to navigate independently and as a parent I am content in the knowledge that my kids are not being exposed to any material that is not suitable for them whilst having screen time.

Things I said Alhumdulillah for in February... • Mummy on My Mind

I find myself saying this numerous times a day and this post is a collection of moments when I have said Alhumdulilah during the past month. Little Z being offered a place in school for FS1 starting September 2021! (Let me know if you need the details of the company that services and repairs, I would be happy to share.) Creating another Instastory filter, this time for Distance Learning and Home Learning with my very own doodles.

Free Ramadan Printables 2021... • Mummy on My Mind

Here’s a snapshot of all the printables in this post that you can download: You can download each of these individually below or download the entire 20 page Ramadan Printable Pack 2021 right at the end of this blogpost. As Eid begins to edge closer, as a parent I have a mile long list of things I must remember to do and this list will help me keep all those scattered thoughts in one place. ” is one of those questions that haunts me, but with a meal planner like this, I can be organised with both knowing what to cook as well as what ingredients I need on my shopping list, because we all know we fill our shopping trolleys to the brim with all sorts when hungry. You can tag me with the social media accounts below, as well as accompany me as I doodle and paint my way through my journey as a Muslimah British Indian expat mother to two boys residing in Dubai, trying her very best to make Ramadan a little extra special each year

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