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We are a family of 7 including 5 sweet little boys ages 10 months-8 years and we love sharing everything family and lifestyle. Ou mission is to encourage joyful living and provide life-giving content and encouragement for families. We've partnered with multiple brands over the past 2 years including ones such as Gerber, HelloFresh, Ruggable, Walgreens, Kroger and more to share everything from Kid's products to food to Home. Our authentic voice makes us unique and connects us to our audience in a relatable way. Our audience is largely made up of mothers who are also raising young children and looking for ways to make their days easier! We look forward to partnering with brands who align with families and everything that surrounds that. And we look forward to connecting with you. All our photos are taken on a hi-res camera for the most professional look!

Location Washington
Country United States of America
Member Since SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
Social Audience 714K
modernfarmhousefamily 748K Last Month Last 3 Months
  • Posts 14 36
  • Engagement Rate 1.6% 1.5%
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  • Avg Likes 11K 10K
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This was a cup above all other games šŸ¤£šŸ„¤ (see what I did there?). Play this next time youā€™re with a group of people! Thanks @agirlandagluegun for the inspo! Our family had a blast!

Summer family STAYcation 2024!! We ended the best few days together with our annual crab feed including 25lbs of crab!! Griffy with his bib in pic 2 might be my faveā˜ŗļø. Would you join us for the crab feed or is that not your thing? Lots of sun and heat ā˜€ļø, lots of pool time šŸŠ , lots of lake time šŸ’¦ , lots of good food plate šŸ½ļø , lots of naps šŸ˜“, lots of games šŸ„‡, lots of shave ice šŸ§(of course) and just totally relaxing! So thankful for family traditions but itā€™s the family that makes them special! After dinner we played a bunch of new games that Iā€™m hoping to put in a reel as well! Iā€™d love to hear your favorite family tradition in the comments ā¬‡ļø

Today was an extra special day!!! Hudson chose to be baptized and we are so overjoyed at his deep love for The Lord and the unique adventurous/brave spirit God has put inside of him! Hudson, we pray this would be a marked point in your life that you would always remember! We are so proud of you! Shared his baptism video in stories with permission from Hudson šŸ’™ This is a decision we leave up to our kids and Hudson has been asking for almost a year. Today was amazing timing since we had family from both sides who could be here. So thankful for such a rich godly heritage on both sides of our family!! This week was extra special as Hudson and I sat together each day to talk and learn about what baptism meant and what he was choosing, as well as to pray together. That was special time for the two of us. Thank you also for your kindness and support in this community no matter what you believe šŸ’™.

We want to bless TEN of you šŸ„³! To add some fun to Amazon Prime Day and lots of great deals (donā€™t miss our stories), throughout today we are sending TEN of you a $50 Amazon gift card to shop with! All you have to do is like this post and comment PRIME below and we will send you a link to our storefront with our favorite deals. Then shop through one of our links (even if you donā€™t buy what we posted) and thatā€™s it. Keep an eye on our stories to see if you win!! Quite possibly the easiest giveaway donā€™t ya think? Iā€™ll be tagging winners in stories throughout the day. Thanks for being friends and a part of our community here! **This isnā€™t sponsored by Instagram or Amazon. Just a gift from Tim and I because we are grateful for you all!

I think Jude had the coolest segment here šŸ¤£. If there is one thing lā€™ve learned from homeschooling, itā€™s that I have a lot of things to learn ā˜ŗļø. But each year I feel like Iā€™m able to see areas where we can improve. But if someone wouldā€™ve given me these tips early on, I know they wouldā€™ve encouraged and helped me. So Iā€™m sharing with you!! 4 things to know before you homeschool: 1: Be flexible, change can be GOOD! Donā€™t be afraid to switch things up. Whether thatā€™s schedules, ways of learning, etc. find what works best for each child and your family! 2: Aim for a start and finish time! This helps it not be drawn out through a whole day (which I used to do). That just made our days feel never-ending. A start and finish time keeps everyone on course (with flexibility built in that). 3: Enjoy the processes of learning! I mean it!! Itā€™s so easy to get frustrated. But there is so much joy in getting a front-row seat to your childā€™s learning. Itā€™s the coolest thing ever to watch that light bulb moment when they understand what youā€™re teaching. 4: Great curriculum can make all the difference! And a good attitude does too! Do your research on curriculum and be confident in how you teach. Youā€™ll find your style and even switch it up a few times. Buy a curriculum with a solid foundation that equips you for teaching. It makes a huge difference in your days and confidence. We love ours from @abekahomeschool and have used it for 6 years! If you are new to homeschooling, Abeka is now offering $100 off full-year, full-grade Abeka Academy (accredited option), $50 off ā€œAbeka Your Wayā€ full-year, full-grade video lessons, and 10% off ā€œAbeka Your Way* kit purchases. Full-year, full-grade purchases only. If you have any questions about the different options or what to buy, feel free to ask me and Iā€™ll help as much as I can! Details: Must purchase by September 23, 2024 and use code NEW24 to receive offer. #sponsored #abeka #abekahomeschool

When your family vacation picture happens to be in front of the outhouses šŸ¤£ I take what I can get these days! Swipe to see more cute faces (hard to choose my faves) and make sure to see the BEST picture of Papa and Nana at the end. I just happened to quickly snap it and itā€™s seriously a framer. They are the best and we actually have a fun gifting coming up with Nana this month before they leave šŸ˜‰. We had the best time at Silverwood today! A fun summer tradition for our family. Anyone else visit here? Whatā€™s the nearest theme park to you?

My 6 racers! If youā€™ve been following stories (and you can still catch some) you saw that these boys ALL FINISHED our familyā€™s annual sprint triathlon. Friday night was the kidā€™s triathlon (short swim, 1 mile bike, 1 mile run) and Saturday was the adult race. This year was Crew and Beckā€™s first time competing, and Jude moved up this year to the adult race. I think I cried every time one of them crossed the finish line šŸ„¹ because I tell ya, watching them race and work hard to accomplish something physically and mentally tough is so inspiring!! Proud of these boys and even Tim PRā€™d by 2 minutes. I also have enjoyed timing every race the past 12 years. **20 years ago Timā€™s oldest brother wanted to try a triathlon so he designed his own and invited family to participate. Now it has become such a fun 2 day event complete with a huge dinner after the kids race and a big brunch after the adult race. Lots of family and a few friends show up each year to participate. Itā€™s called the ā€œMolitor JUST TRIā€ which matches how encouraging everyone is to each other. So thankful for their original idea and their continuing hospitality to make it fun for everyone! I hope you enjoyed watching. Maybe I should save the stories to a highlight?

Celebrating freedom with my favorite people ā¤ļøšŸ¤šŸ’™ Happy 4th of July/Independence day! Are you team watch the fireworks or team light the fireworks?? We will be staying up late to watch them!!

Lovey Lucy, Lucy girl, Lucy Wren, sister, girlfriend, Lucy Lou, Little Lucy. Lots of names we use to describe our favorite sweet girl. I took these photos just for fun and so glad I did because they capture her personality. Lucy is almost 16 months and she especially loves her loveysā€¦so I got her all 5 from @saranoniblanket ā˜ŗļø. She stopped taking a binky 2 months old and started sucking her fingers, so I gave her the pink bunny lovey and she took right to it. The rest is history. Lucy loves dolls and babies and hugging them saying ā€œlove youā€. She isnā€™t walking but thatā€™s right on par for our kids who donā€™t normally walk till 18-20 months. Every morning when I get her dressed she leans her head forward for me to put a bow on, then looks at herself in the mirror and smiles! She is a chatterbox like her mama and is constantly talking with her sweet voice. It legitimately sounds like she has little conversations with you. She is also an imitator and will copy (or try to copy) most sounds and words you say. Lucy loves swinging and swimming in the pool and has the best appetite. Iā€™ve never seen her turn down any food. She loves to blow kisses whenever you say ā€œbyeā€ or ā€œlove youā€ Sheā€™s WELL doted on by big brothers and itā€™s the sweetest thing to watch šŸ©·šŸ’ž. Canā€™t believe how much sheā€™s grown but thatā€™s a little update on Lucy and thanks for loving on our sweet girl!

A good ole classic Sunday lineup and Lucy is not sure about standing at the end ā˜ŗļø. Also, Griffy with his little knee bandages from his big fall on Friday šŸ˜„. Heā€™s doing so much better and back to walking around. So thankful! In pic 2- I bought this dress for Lucy the last time we went to Hawaii and it fits now! We even unintentionally matched for church. We are about to start my FAVORITE month of the year. I love all things 4th of July and celebrating and love the summer heat!! Our neighborhood will have its 2nd annual 4th of July parade which is so fun AND this next weekend is our 20th annual Molitor Family ā€œjust triā€ triathlon. There is a kidā€™s one in the evening followed by the adult sprint triathlon the next morning. Itā€™s so fun to be apart of. Iā€™ll make sure to share. And this year Jude is moving up and completing the full adult one which Iā€™m SO excited for him! Before I know it these boys will be passing up their mama in height. Tell me your favorite thing about July ā¤ļøšŸ¤šŸ’™. Any fun 4th of July traditions??

Thanks for praying for me as I head in for corrective eye surgery today!! Iā€™m so thankful this is even an option I get to choose. Iā€™ve lived with glasses and contacts since I was 8 years old. To wake up seeing sounds amazing since I can barely see much of whatā€™s right in front of me without my contacts. Due to my prescription and very thin corneas, I didnā€™t qualify for LASIK so the procedure Iā€™m having is called PRK. Itā€™s done differently and they say the recovery is pretty rough; but every one of you that Iā€™ve talked to says the outcome is worth it over and over! So thank you for sharing! Iā€™ve tried to prep myself mentally and Iā€™ll definitely be laying low for awhile. Appreciate your prayers, value you as friends and Iā€™m planning to share my experience once Iā€™m recovered! ā˜€ļø ā€œI look up to the mountainsā€” does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.ā€ ā€­ā€­Psalmsā€¬ ā€­121ā€¬:ā€­1ā€¬-ā€­2ā€¬, ā€­5ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬ ā€œā€œI am leaving you with a giftā€”peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So donā€™t be troubled or afraid.ā€ ā€­ā€­Johnā€¬ ā€­14ā€¬:ā€­27ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬ Xo, Sarah

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