Joanna Hanaka

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Joanna (she/her) 26. Queen of allergies. πŸ‘‘ Loves to promote both mental and physical health and making it accessible to as many people as possible!

Location Wallington, NJ United States
Country United States of America
Member Since MAY 16, 2022
Social Audience 44K
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#ad I’m so excited to be collaborating with the incredible @jerseydrives and the phenomenal @braininjuryallianceofnj to celebrate Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month! Motorcycles are not as easily seen as cars or trucks because of their narrow profile. Other motorists, particularly those who don’t ride a motorcycle, may not be looking for motorcycles in traffic. This places the motorcyclist at risk, particularly at intersections. All these risks can be managed through training and education. Follow the tips in the video alongside avoiding speeding, distracted driving, using a phone while driving/walking, and impaired driving. Let’s make sure we’re safely sharing the road with motorcycles on the road! #JerseyDrives #BIANJ #TheBrainInjuryAllianceofNewJersey#MotorcycleSafety #MotorcycleAwareness #sharetheroad

To all my fellow chronically ill friends, May the hardships feel at least a little bit lighter and the good days bring you even more joy πŸ’› May parts of yourself that you miss return back to you in one way or another πŸ«‚ You’re never alone in this πŸ’• Your friend, Joanna What do you miss about yourself before chronic illness heavily affected your life? If it always affected you heavily, what do you feel like you missed out on? #ChronicIllness #ChronicallyIll #MastCellActivationSyndrome #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Dysautonomia

#Ad Is the air at your job or in your house making you sick? At one point, that was the case for me! I was finding it incredibly difficult to concentrate, especially due to constant headaches. Eventually I learned about how common it is to have poor airflow which was causing the CO2 at work and in my bedroom to be way too high. Nowadays, I make sure that my CO2 levels stay at a good number by using the Aranet4 HOME! Check out the link in my bio to learn more about the current major Aranet promotion of 20% + 20% off! #CO2Monitoring #IndoorAirQuality #CO2Levels #Aranet4Home #HealthierLiving #HealthyHome #WellnessJourney

POTS math πŸ’…πŸ» As Dysautonomia Awareness Month comes to a close and I've been super intrigued by "girl math", I wanted to shed some light on the intricate math that goes on inside our bodies when living with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). For those of us with POTS, our bodies are always in calculation mode: πŸ’§ Water: We're always figuring out how much we need to drink to stay hydrated. Too much or too little, and our bodies let us know with symptoms like dizziness, brain fog, or rapid heart rate. πŸ§‚ Salt: Salt becomes our secret weapon. We add it to our diet to help our bodies retain fluids and regulate blood pressure. Finding the right balance is crucial, like a culinary science experiment every mealtime. ⚑ Electrolytes: These are the conductors in our body's symphony. We need to ensure that we maintain the right balance of electrolytes to avoid heart palpitations, muscle cramps, and fatigue. 🌑️ Temperature: Our bodies are like over-sensitive thermostats, constantly trying to keep from getting overly cold and from getting overheated. A change in temperature can lead to a cascade of symptoms. Living with POTS means we're always doing this math, recalculating, and adjusting our strategies. As we near the end of Dysautonomia Awareness Month, let's take a moment to appreciate the adaptability and mathematical equations of those living with POTS and other forms of Dysautonomia. Question: For those with any form of Dysautonomia, how do you balance this sort of math? I would love to hear from you! Follow @joannanobanana for more posts like this! #PotsSyndrome #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #DysautonomiaAwareness #DysautonomiaAwarenessMonth #POTSawareness #DysautonomiaWarrior #InvisibleIllness

#Ad Recognize the warning signs of mold-related illness! It’s important for everyone to check for signs of mold in their home, especially if you have any of these symptoms (and have yet to figure out their cause): Possible symptoms of mold illness: Coughing, Shortness of Breath, Chest, Tightness, Sore Throat, Hives, Headaches, Memory Problems, Difficulty Concentrating, Abdominal Pain, Muscle and Joint Pain, Sensitivity to Light, Increased Sensitivity to Chemicals and Fragrances Through humidity monitoring including alerts and notifications, Aranet helps to let people know to take immediate action to reduce humidity by using dehumidifiers, improving ventilation, or sealing leaks that may be contributing to excess moisture. Click the link in my bio to learn more about the major Aranet4 HOME promotion of 20% + 20% off to help track your humidity levels! #MoldAwareness #Mold #MoldIllness ##MoldPrevention #AranetHome4 #AirQualityInsight #HealthyLiving TT Caption: #Ad Prevent mold-related illness asap! Get the Aranet4 HOME today for more quality air insight. 20% + 20% off throughout October 31st! #MoldAwareness #Mold #MoldIllness ##MoldPrevention #AranetHome4 #AirQualityInsight #HealthyLiving

Double tap if you can relate! πŸ’› Life with chronic illness is a continuous tightrope walk between our fundamental needs and the desires that fuel our spirit. Every day presents new challenges and triumphs as we strive to find that delicate equilibrium. External pressures and expectations that society, family, friends, co-workers, managers, and many others can place upon us make it an even trickier situation. It's not just about managing our own inner balance; it's also about navigating the external pressures and misconceptions. That being said, through it all, we find strength in the unwavering support of those who understand our unique battles. So here's to everyone who can relate to this post. Sending much love your way! πŸ’› Question: What's the best tip that you've learned (or are in the process of learning) to manage living with a chronic illness especially in relation to others around you? I would love to hear your insight! Follow @joannanobanana for more posts like this! #ChronicIllness #ChronicallyIll #ChronicPain #MastCellActivationSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #HistamineIntolerance #ConnectiveTissueDisorder #Dysautonomia

Double tap if you can relate! πŸ’› Let's take a moment to explore the unique way chronic illness shifts our perspective on what it means to feel good. Picture waking up with a collection of sensations that others might categorize as distressing, yet finding a sense of accomplishment in the midst of it all. We rewrite our definitions of wellness by learning how our bodies function and when they need healthcare, rest, etc. We learn the language of our bodies, speaking in hushed tones of self-care, and shouting with pride at our victories, no matter how small they may seem to others. What symptoms do you experience on the daily which are normal to you but would worry others if they experienced them? I would love to hear about your experience! πŸ’› Follow @joannanobanana for more posts about chronic illness! #MastCellActivationSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #MCAS #EDS #Dysautonomia #PotsSyndrome #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #InvisibleIllness #CranioCervicalInstability #Dysautonomia #PotsSyndrome #ChronicPain #Heds

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