Heather Rose Scott

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Athlete, Yogi, ❤️’r of Wild Adventure 7x IRONMAN 🏅 Runner- 2x 100 mi ⚡️1 x 83mi ⚡️5x 50mi⚡️ 6x 50k #FITSTRONGFIERCE ⚡️❤️👊🏼 @beam heatherrose20

Member Since AUGUST 01, 2019
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Feelzzz like summer ☀️ Fresh mountain air, Hot sun, Cold Lakes….Adventure awaits…These are the days I live for ❤️‍🔥 #iamkoko

(Re)Engaging Koko protocols 🤘🏼🤠 🏎️ 🌪️ 💥 6 weeks post op…. Easin’ back in to prowlin’ around lookin’ for fun 😜 #iamkoko 3 days of Mountain time….30 miles of chonky MTB down hill, A summit, Jumpin off rocks and Creek cool offs …. Time to have some fun and get some fitness back …Lezzzzzzz Go❤️‍🔥 ….. #workharddreambigdocoolshit #fitstrongfierce

At least my hair still gets to be wild 🌪️ 4 weeks post op— Patience is what I’m practicing— And I’m on my way to better! Yoga,Hikes, E-bike rides and lately some light weights …. Slow and Steady so I can be back to Strong and Sendy 🤘🏼 Has it been easy …Yes and No….Body feels great but still reminds me it’s healing …Still very swollen and might be a bit before I feel and look as I did pre surgery … one day at a time! Thank you for all the support, conversations, encouragement 🫶🏻 #iamkoko

We’ve come a long, long way together Through the hard times and the good I have to celebrate you, baby I have to praise you like I should 🪩 RUNNING—- We’ve come a long way baby….in a relatively short time!! Thanks for changing my life and bringing me so much JOY, Fulfillment and Wild Times 🤘🏼 9 years ago in August I decided to race my first 50k in Squamish (1 month after my 4th Ironman). I did not run until i was 27 and did not run consistently until I was 32, I did not like to run , I was not a strong or fast runner, I had only ran 26.2 miles in my Ironmans (did not enjoy) , my only trail experience was 5 miles two weeks before the race, I didn’t know what a hydration vest was, I did not know what vert meant in relation to running….And….I didn’t actually know how far 50k was or how hard a race with 8,000ft of technical climbing would be 😅😂 And despite allll of that …….I had the time of my life, trying something soooooo out of my comfort zone, experiencing nature in a whole new way, accomplishing something I never knew could be possible. I started unsure and alone and while I finished with not much time to spare , i also finished with a new passion for running and a few new friends! I fast followed with a 50mile run with 10k of vert 4 months later and this time, finished with lots of time on the clock and cemented my love affair with running trails. In the years since I’ve done 1 x 240 miles, 1 x 205 miles , 2x 100mile, 1 x 80 mile, 8x 50 miles and countless 50k’s. The last 9 years I learned how to train effectively and efficiently, I learned that both physicality and mentality are both important, that you must be consistent and work hard even when you don’t want to 😅I learned how gritty and tough I can be ,how to suffer with a smile 😃 Most importantly I learned that I LOVE to run trailszzzz …. the harder the better 🤠 And that racing is actually not necessary for me…. I just love to run and to adventure…High in the mountains, to remote places many will never see! I love you running , mean it ❤️‍🔥 #iamkoko #globalrunningday

#iamkoko * 24 hours Post surgery Edition * Down but not out 🤘🏼 This one is for the Girls, the chicks, the babes, the women …. We go thru so much with our bodies in a lifetime, big life altering changes to our bodies (and minds); menstruation as early as 11 years old, pregnancy/post partum , infertility, pre menopause, menopause and then there are all the women’s health issues in between…. Women are fighting battles inside you often know nothing about. We are often judged (and judge ourselves) on the physical with out giving ourselves credit for dealing with what’s going on within. As I reflect on the last year, honestly feel like the surgery was the “easy” part (recovery TBD 😅) …. As the last 6 months have taken a toll on my physical and mental self. It’s been a challenge as I have felt my health, energy & quality of life drain a way. As i look at my body 24 hours post surgury I am amazed at modern medicine. Yet, modern medicine also failed me….After Repeatedly raising concerns about my health & being told nothing was wrong with me. “ You are older, you will just gain weight”, “Stick it out for a few years it will balance out”, “Up your Advil “, “mix up your exercise “, “try supplements “, “change your diet”. Advocating for myself & not accepting the Dr.s “answers” to find out what was happening INSIDE my body and instead seeking out a women’s internal health specialist/expert (not a OBGYN) was one the most important choices I have made. ***I had severe stage 4 endometriosis (on several organs) , along with a 6cm endometriona ovarian cyst, 5cm fibroid as well as several 2cm forbids. I gained 12 lbs, was in constant discomfort and my body had started to swell up abnormally. In surgery I had my Uterus, Cervix, Appendix, Fallopian tubes and all my Endometriosis removed. It’s hard to remember to what it feels like to function pain free BUT I am lucky to have the chance to do just that. ——>>>>> And I remind myself …..and You…. ❤️Look at yourself with kindness….our bodies can be soft, scarred, dimpled and still be strong, beautiful and capable….Worthy of pride and love ❤️ 🫶🏻 Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions, happy to help!

Yosemite ❤️‍🔥 Livin on the edge 🤘🏼 Highlightzzz of Yose May 2024; ▪️Half Dome- Cables Down 🌶️ ▪️Waterfall Szn - Never have I ever seen the falls with this much water 😍 ▪️ Long Days 🌞 We did our Half Dome summit in the afternoon, and had the place to ourselves as well as made it back to curry village before dark (16.5 miles 5200 ft of climbing) ▪️Warm days and crisp nights Not pictured- Guided rock climbing with @yosemitenation and @ambers_affirmations - Highly recommend for a fun and challenging way to experience Yosemite #iamkoko #workharddreambigdocoolshit

“To the those who feel like it’s too late … Your journey is only getting started “- It’s never too late …Do the thing, Make a change, Stay the course…but make choices that align with your goals and dreams….You have this life, it is yours, make it a good one 🤘🏼 #workharddreambigdocoolshit Yosemite, Half Dome (cables down)📍 May 2024 📷 16.5 miles 5,200 ft ⬆️ Reel to come 🎥 #iamkoko

Big rocks to climb UP and ride , long hills to bomb down …. Trails to ourselves ….And a landscape that looks other worldly ! Utah, I love ya ❤️‍🔥 Bryce Canyon, Kanab, Zion, Virgin … 30+ miles of trail running and 17 miles of mountain biking in 3.5 dayzzzzzzz! #iamkoko Ill be back as there is sooooo much more to explore and the mountain biking is 🤌🏼🤘🏼 This is my 3rd trip to this part of the state ….Feel free to hit me up with questions!

R O A M Desert Adventurezzzzzz Edition Some of my favorite snapz from the last 3.5 days in Utah —- I “train” so I can always be ready to do qool shiz—-> 3.5 days = Drive all over Utah, run 35 miles and 7k of up and MTB 17 miles #workharddreambigdocoolshit Haven’t had much time for this square world lately… Thanks to everyone who still stops by to say Hi 😊 #iamkoko Reel to come 🎥 Angels Landing (Zion) 📍 Redbull Rampage Course (Virgin, Utah) 📍 #iykyk 🤯🤘🏼 Slot Canyon (Kanab, Utah) 📍 Fairy Land Loop (Bryce Canyon, Utah) 📍 Peekaboo (Bryce Canyon, Utah)📍 So grateful to the @the_domi_llama 🦙 for being the best guy and adventure partner 🫶🏻

If it’s wrong I don’t want to be right 😏 Another week of “Idlin’” around …. Wandering about….Doin’ the devils work 😂 Takin’ care of business—->>> Work + Training 12-15 hours a week + Friends and Family …..Indeed make me a bizzzzzzz-eeee bod-eeeeeeeeee (Which is why I love my 8-9 hours of Z’zzzzz every night 💃🏼 ) 🤘🏼 What she’s doin’….Is Livin’ …Not listening to any nonsense 🤩 Single, Married…Kids, o kids ….Whatever/ Wherever you are in life …Use your time wisely…..Do what makes YOU happy 💃🏼 If you need me ….I’m out here ✌🏼 #iamkoko #fitstrongfierce #workharddreambigdocoolshit #crackmyselfup

“I am not interested in competing with anyone …I hope we all make it”~ —- Regardless of where you are in your journey …..May you feel inspired, joyful, appreciative, fulfilled and most importantly PROUD in all that you do. And remember no one should love you more then YOU ❤️‍🔥 Xoxo, Koko #iamkoko

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