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Autism & ADHD Resources for Parents

Children who are sensory seekers under seekers are to sensory input. They seek extra stimulation to stay regulated and calm

10 Parenting Strategies for Children With Pathological Demand Avoidance

Children with pathological demand avoidance will use various avoidance techniques to avoid demands. Children with ODD aren’t as likely to avoid activities that they enjoy simply to avoid the demand, but children with PDA are. Since it’s believed that pathological demand avoidance is driven by anxiety and the need to be in control, it makes sense that giving your child more control, through choices, will help them. Children with pathological demand avoidance often seem to ignore social hierarchies or attempt to take on an authoritarian role with their peers by acting “bossy” with other children.

18 De-Escalation Techniques For Diffusing Meltdowns · Autism Resources

Sometimes, when children become extremely overwhelmed or they’re experiencing sensory overload, they have a meltdown where they lose control over their behaviors. These situations are stressful for everyone involved and potentially dangerous for both bystanders and your child

How to Eliminate Attention Seeking Behavior With Positive Parenting ·

How to Eliminate Attention Seeking Behavior With Positive Parenting Children need to feel connected with their parents, and when that connection is weak, they will turn to attention seeking behaviors to get the attention they need from their parents. In a connected relationship, there is respect, trust, honesty, acceptance and equality

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