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Stories from someone immersed in the world of high finance. Learning to spot opportunities, becoming more commercial and leading an exciting life.

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January 2019 India Trip – Seeing Investors, Meeting A Potential Client And Checking Out The Jaipur Literature Festival

So what better way to begin than in the car I’m traveling in now on Mumbai’s famous Marine Drive en route to a meeting in Worli where I am to meet for the first time an investment manager who may become a client. “Looks like there’s a charter flight to India for a very attractive price,” he said. For you readers who are more business-minded let me remind you that in India you have a rising power, with a large proportion of the world’s population, with a growing middle class, lots of innovative companies, highly talented workforce and a rich cultural tradition to support its rise. And with time, and more visits, I took greater interest and made more sense of events and developments in the country.

How I Met A USD160 Billion Institutional Investor By Checking Myself Out In An Office Window

On the last page I found the head of the London office’s e-mail address. How else would you react if someone you didn’t recognised knocked on your office window and asked you to come out? The truth is that I’ve tried to reach out to you by e-mail but didn’t get a response and of course appreciate how busy you must be, but by chance I noticed your logo through the window and thought, Why don’t I try and say hello and introduce myself. He knocked on my office window last week,” said the investor.

Parable: The Investment Banker And The Good Cause

One day, two successful investment bankers, Lara and Alice, decided to give away their entire year-end bonus toward a good cause. The next day, Lara arrived to work to find all her colleagues packed inside the main conference room. The charity Lara gave the money to had published a thank you note on its website which went viral and reached the bank’s senior management. After ignoring Lara for most of the day, Alice approached her in the evening, when most people had gone home.

When Someone Tells You ‘We’re Not Interested’ Then Find A Way To Make It Interesting

Skip to content When Someone Tells You ‘We’re Not Interested’ Then Find A Way To Make It Interesting In 2018 I helped a client raise over GBP230m from one of the biggest real estate investors in the world, a process which took over a year to pull off. After I brought in what became the anchor investor, I had a choice: to consider my job done and to leave; or to raise some more money for the client, whom I had a great working relationship with

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