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Maine Travel Maven Hilary Nangle, author of three Moon series guidebooks to her home state, shares her insights, travels, and updates:,

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What to see and do in Quebec City, plus where to eat and sleep – Maine Travel Maven

Wondering what to see and do in Quebec City? I can help. Since I live in Maine, I consider Quebec City as my extended backyard

Maine garden tours 2019 open private homes, gardens to public

What: Self-guided walking tour of select private gardens on Munjoy Hill; begins at Fort Allen Park on Portland’s Eastern Promenade Cost: $15 advance / $20 day of event; benefits Friends of the Eastern Promenade What: Old York Historical Society’s self-guided walking tour includes four private homes and three public sites: the historic Sayward-Wheeler House (owned by Historic New England), York Harbor Inn’s 1730 Harbor Crest Inn (formerly the Mercer Mansion), and St. George’s Episcopal Church. The house, library, and garden are open to visitors for guided house and self-guided garden tours as follows. What: Self-guided tour of three private gardens in York: Braveboat Harbor Farm, with formal and informal borders, a vegetable garden, orchards, and collections of various flowering trees and shrubs.

Don't miss these uber fun, only-in-Maine winter events – Maine Travel Maven

I love Maine in winter. I embrace the quietude, love playing outdoors in the snow, and I especially love the special events that celebrate the season

Top 10: Best of Rockland, Maine – Maine Travel Maven

Wondering where to start when it comes to the finding the best of Rockland? Right here. Rockland rocks

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