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Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.

Social Audience 20K
  • Family and Relationships
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Ways to Save on Expenses Without Cutting the Cable Cord

There is so much talk about cutting the cable cord these days, but I have been around those that opted for streaming, and it’s not pretty. It’s a hassle finding what you want, without buffering now and then, if you’re even able to get the channel, as most streaming networks differ than what’s available

Roles within mental health and how they rely on one another

They will often have the most interaction with patients, and are key for any mental health team to have a level of trust and understanding with patients. To become a mental health nurse, you must have already completed your nursing degree, during your degree there would have usually been modules and courses catered specifically toward mental health nursing, and of course, further training is given once leaving university. Psychiatrists rely heavily on a mental health team, as they often have very little time with each patient individually, as they are often responsible for a large quantity of patients. Therefore, other members of the team must know what type of treatment is needed for a patient, and suggest this to the psychiatrist, who as aforementioned, has the authority to prescribe said medication.

Who’s Your Competition?

Knowing whether you have to worry about any given business encroaching on your share of the market takes a lot of insight into their current level of success, plans and their potential for future growth. A brand index lists your business with the others in its niche to show where it ranks for ‘brand equity’ – the ability your brand has to create sales by itself, on the strength of its amassed reputation. The competitors you need to be most concerned with are those who immediately surround you in the brand index: those just ahead of you in brand equity could eclipse your own attempts to grow, while an unexpected growth spurt from those just below you in primacy may cause them to start cutting into your own market share. Unless you’re confident that your reach dramatically outstrips theirs, you run the risk of investing a lot of time, effort and resources in launching a new product to the market, only to find your rival is doing the same, potentially halving the potential revenue you could have taken!

Why Owning A Car Is More Expensive Than You Think

Plenty of Canadians know how much they’re paying monthly for their vehicle, but what about hidden costs that many don’t consider? To determine how much you spend in gas per year, you’ll need to know the fuel efficiency of your car, how many kilometers you travel each year, and an estimate of gas prices. Most Canadians spend hundreds per year on vehicle maintenance, but those costs can skyrocket for older vehicles, as they tend to spend more time in the repair shop, really putting a dent in your household budget. Depreciation is the mother of all hidden costs because no matter how well you take care of your car, it decreases in value the older it gets.

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