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New Suffolk Ballet Slipper

I’ve had so many issues with technique shoes, most having a lump or seams right under the ball of my foot, causing pain and throws off balance. The So Danca shoes I’ve been wearing for the past year so or have been the best I’ve found so far, but when I saw Sudfolk came out with a technique shoe (I wear and love their pointe shoes) The elastics are pre-sewn so it’s just slip them on and go which is great because sewing pointe shoes is enough for me. I have nothing bad to say about these shoes and will definitely buy them again, and they will probably be my go-to technique shoes!

Adult Ballerina Blog

and I haven’t taken a pointe class since May, went as good as I could have probably expected. I’m not good at picking up choreography, especially if an unfamiliar move is in there, and I knew this going in was one of the things they look for. Certain things like arabesques, exhappés, developpes and a fun glissadé jeté combo went well, turns, pas de coru (I think I did more of a bourré…oops) and speed in general not so much. No matter what the outcome, I’m glad I did it, and will definitely try again next year when I’m stronger and better.

Nutcracker Audition

I’m a mix of nerves, doubt, and panic…with a touch of excitement because I’ve never auditioned for anything in my life in person (everything in the aerial world is video audition) so the fact that there are no re-do’s is definitely one of my biggest fears. I’ve gone to new classes before and felt so nervous before that I can’t do anything right and am pretty terrified this could go the same way. I also know I’m leagues behind every other dancer that will be present, since I only started ballet (inconsistently) at 21, besides when I was 3 and did a few years and a group recital to Animal Crackers in My Soup. So this morning I’m going to indulge in some yoga, try not to overthink, pack extra shoes just in case (

Around and Around We Go!

I have been ok with echappé and passé for quite some time, but the prospect of turning up there just makes me panic and think I’m going to break my ankle. While it wasn’t perfect or even close, I didn’t die and I didn’t break anything The more I sit and think about the turn, the more I panic and the less chance I have of getting up there or completing the turn! Sometimes it helps to not be worried about people laughing in class, and to work in flats in class then put on my pointe shoes after for practicing combos and turns.

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