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Author of Enlightenment Unveiled Writer & Healer of Our Times- Psychic, Medium, Intuitive, Empath, Reiki Master, Shaman, Energy Healer.

Social Audience 38K
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Bodhi Tree Book Review

Yes, says Michiko Rolek, the great-granddaughter of the first Zen master to make his home in America. By doing so, we can discover a greater ability to deal with life's challenges, along with greater enjoyment and peace of mind. The process beings with breathing, "the rainbow bridge that connects our thinking minds to our feeling bodies" which is also the key to such disciplines as martial arts and Zen. Rolek explains how to balance our posture to eliminate imbalance, stress, and strain; and discusses the art of concentration—the "one-pointed," laser-like focus as well as more fluid states of awareness, which eliminate the emotional and mental drain caused by our restless "monkey mind.

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