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So whether you are just beginning, coming back or never left…if you love the practice, the artistry and the lifestyle, let’s keep going, and growing together! We are included alongside twelve other amazing shows, such as the The Kathryn Morgan Show and Stage Rightside with ABT’s James Whiteside. It may take me until spring to get through The Battle of The Nutcrackers, which I DVR’d from the Ovation Channel. Here’s a few win-win, some even made For & By adult ballet dancers.

Ballet for Adults

What exactly are you reading here? Well, it’s little snippets of news just for adult ballet dancers. This will make it easier for you to know everything about adult ballet in quarterly (more or less) newsletters delivered right to your inbox

The First Beats Newsletter

Welcome to the first edition of Beats! Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old

Busting Myths about Masculinity in Ballet

While the core techniques are the same for male and female dancers, many people don’t know that there are subtle distinctions in training and choreography that separate feminine and masculine dancers. Whether you are performing a stag lift to carry your partner across the stage or providing her with a base as she executes several pirouettes, male dancers have to make these moves appear effortless which only comes through strength and confidence. When you move into pas de deux work, or leaps, turns and jumps, dancers must have well-conditioned muscles to support their partner and ensure that they can achieve the necessary height and distance a step requires. Fact – Adult male ballet dancers do not have to wear tights but should wear a dance belt.

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