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Join the thousands of people who are singing with Voice Lessons To Go! Free singing tips. CDs, books, and Vocal Assessments. www.voicelessonstogo.com

Social Audience 23K
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Free Voice Lessons To Go CDs, or Vocal Assessment.

To Go products on itunes and Amazon. I am looking for people to write reviews or do video reviews and testimonials of my products. Do a video of you using or reviewing my CDs and post it to facebook 3 .Do a video or review of you using my CDs and post it to YouTube. 4. I will even give you a Promo Code to give your viewers 10% off of my products for Facebook and Youtube reviews.

Sometimes there’s not much to say to your voice student…

This changes my job from "fixer and developer" voice teacher to "protector and keeper" voice teacher. When this is the case; I protect my students from falling off track in their own good technic during our weekly lessons. *I am there as a voice teacher for my singing students to help them to gain confidence in what they are doing well So while you may not think your teacher worked you enough or tried to change or alter your voice enough, you may need to accept that you are just naturally good at singing and don't always need tons of work to improve.

How to

Just like a prize fighter would stand in preparation to fight, you stand as a singer strong, not easy to push over. Use the floor to anchor your sound lower in your body, for a deeper connection to your sound and low breath for support. While your hands, i don't want to hear from so much, your face needs to be alert and bright, involved and committed. It makes such a huge difference to watch a singer who's face is capturing my attention.

9 tips for your school entrance auditions

Trying to figure out what song to sing, how to manage your accompaniment, what monologue to do (if necessary), putting a resume and application together... If you can get with a teacher who can help you select the best part of your song for your voice then that will be helpful. Date for application, date to send in your video by, date of live audition, date of call back, date to send in accompaniment, date for a monologue audition, and or a dance audition depending on what you are going out for. Do a nice vocal warm up, (you can use my CDs if you'd like), eat, sing through your music a few times, then go to your auditions.

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