Joe's Basecamp

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Joe’s Basecamp Gym is about bucket list goals, functional fitness, strength and conditioning, altitude and endurance training for all of life's adventures.

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Do This One Trick Daily

It’s working out where there’s asymmetries in the body. There’s a whole system of testing to find out imbalances, and you can deal with the basic imbalances at home. Shear force through the lower spine and hips every time we move, which eventually is going to present as a disc injury, maybe a bulging disc. It’s just a bit of movement after I’ve got out of bed, to lubricate the joints and start my day.

The Performance Diamond: The secret to success in any adventure or event!

But I’m going to tell you the way that we do it, the way that we see results, time and time again, the same methodology that we’ve used to put people on podiums in events all across the world, in all kinds of different different disciplines, from skiing, to trail running to multi state races to paddling to get into the tops of mountains, whether it’s ice climbing, or seven or 8000 meter peaks. And actually, it’s actually two separate triangles, we’ve got the binding triangle, and we’ve got the building triangle. We’ve got nutrition, we’ve got eating appropriately for what we’re doing, and eating appropriately for the way that you need your energy systems to work, eating appropriately for where you’re at in your journey. Whereas in actual fact, if we do the other bits first build that foundation, we’re able to dig deeper when applying our turbo to get better results from it, and to be able to apply our turbo to compound and get further results for our stamina, which at the end of the day is what is an outdoor wilderness adventure athlete is our main goal.

True Grit Enduro - 24 hours, 11.3km laps and 32 obstacles per lap

Knee surgery from a flipped meniscus (football injury in September) pushed my training out the window with a 2-3 month recovery at a minimum, along with a newly discovered severe lack of cartilage in said knee resulting in specialist declaring ‘bone on bone’. My previous event history on this course/event was 5 laps(2015), 4 laps(2016), 4 laps(2018), 7 laps(2019) I got the JBC team to the start line of their race, including mandatory startline pic, leaving 5 hours to kill before my event kicked off. While I certainly had some moments during the race, my mindset of getting 1 lap done at a time and reassessing plans continually during the race certainly helped – Nutrition – mostly good


So what we’re going to try and do is categorize them into A, B, and C. A class events: These are really, really important, these are the ones that you really want to go for, you might only have one or two of these a year. If you’ve got that happening in the same year, as you’re planning a big bucket list event, are you really actually going to be able to devote the time to doing the things you need to do for that event? So when we look at our training and training for everything, as I’ve gone over before in our other videos, first we want to build a foundation. You need to work out if you are training for the events that you want to complete, or your just after entertainment based exercise that makes or fills a psychological need.

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