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Month Setup Bullet Journal

It’s time for a new Month Setup on my Bullet Journal and December will be a good month no matter the cool weather and having lots of snow everywhere! Each year and each new month comes with new challenges, but today you know how to face them and how to work hand in hand with your Bullet Journal or planner to know in advance how to make a work plan, this month is not different from the rest, you’ll be working every day to make your life better knowing you have the best planning tool in your hands. The Bullet Journal supplies I used to work on the new month setup are listed here Keep it simple in a half page, just enough room to make a note of everything you need to pay attention to, I highlight the weekends and I mark down the birthdays on this month (mine too) Whether you want to keep your Bullet Journal or your planner simpler with a month calendar and an agenda or if you want to go deep into this month with as many spreads to work on to do the best, setting up a new month will help you to know in advance what you’ll be focusing on.

Your Bullet Journal Starter Kit

If you want to start on with a new notebook, you can get one with white paper if you want to focus on working with drawings or sketches, but if you think on your first Bullet Journal you might feel that you will need some help to draw straight lines a grid paper notebook will be perfect for you. If you’re looking for a better looking notebook to start working on your Bullet Journal I will recommend you to take a look to Midori MD Notebook, it looks is the most minimalist manifestation of a notebook, which it makes it perfect for you to work on your own layout and drawings on your BuJo. Any pencil will be right to design the layouts you will be using on your BuJo, but if you need a more professional pencil I will recommend you the one I use all the time, 2B Staedler pencil, this pencil is soft and do not require you push too hard on the paper with the pencil to draw any line, from the lighter line to any kind of drawing I use this pencil all the time. If you want to work with a more professional finish on your BuJo, you can try Bic markers, but you will need to place a white paper under your page as these markers bleed a bit on regular paper, if you have already a professional BuJo you’ll need to try out first these markers on the paper.

November Monthly Setup

November is here and it’s time to get everything ready on your Bullet Journal, the new month setup won’t take you much time, by now you know what spreads work better for you! It doesn’t need to be big happy things that happen in your life, start with little things you’re happy about, like having a house, having 3 meals, spending good time with your family and friends or with yourself. A simple weekly spread for the bullet journal, I’m using the FREE September weekly spread, I just cover the month with a piece of paper and voila, it’s ready! Nothing better to reach your goals than keep working on your Bullet Journal or on a personal planner, add all the spreads you love to work on, I share the spreads I love to add each month, but you might need a few different like menu planning, an event planning, etc.

October Monthly Setup

October is here and it’s time to do a new Monthly Setup on your Bullet Journal, taking the time to get all the spreads ready to help you to make of this month the best of it! A different or new lifestyle Anything you want to achieve can go on the list, and not as a question but as a goal to work on to achieve it, and that is why I love more about working hand in hand with a Bullet Journal or a DIY Planner, you can set a goal to achieve and make a plan to work on it! and you’ll be drawing all the spreads you need, on a DIY Planner you can work on a binder and you can buy the spreads you’ll be working on or you can get the free printable on the internet. October has 5 weeks, write down what weekly goals you have, by doing it, you won’t forget to make a plan to work on!

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