Bobbie Sumpter

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I am on a health and fitness journey at the age of 52! I have done this journey twice before, just to end up overweight again. What makes it different this time time you ask? Easy I am doing it with the support of other people, learning how to do it on my own this time, and using exercise programs that I can use for the rest of my life! In the past I have relied on trainers to tell me what to do. This time I am limonene what works for me and how to do it with guidance of a container system. I love this process because it is one that has become a true lifestyle, not a diet!

I am absolutely her mom to the most amazing I have lab half pit dog I have ever met! He has given me so much joy and in my life, and he is a big part of my life!

I keep myself busy I have a couple of Bobby's son. I love woodworking, making birdhouses,and cornhole games, wine racks, anything out of wood I can :-) pay also love to scrapbooking and card making. This is something that brings out my creativity and Greg's memories at the same time, or help me hang onto memories. I also love to Garden, take pictures of nature, hand enjoy being with my family!

Location Grahm , Wa
Country United States of America
Member Since NOVEMBER 16, 2019
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