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A 23 year old Law graduate writing personal mental health blog ‘Relief From Anxiety’. Subscribe: | Contact:

Location United Kingdom
Member Since OCTOBER 16, 2018
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TW: Suicide and suicidal thoughts

A word that we always hear and think we understand, but in reality someone's relationship with suicide can be a lot more complex than what we would usually understand it to be. When we think of suicide, we think of someone committing the act that results in their death and when we say that someone has taken their own life or committed suicide, then that would be correct to say. It was around that age that not only did I have the suicidal thoughts leading up to the attempt, but it is such that it is now a regular thought process in my brain for most days of my life, but it doesn't necessarily mean that I will undertake any of these thoughts. It's important that you talk to the person and understand what is going on inside their head and the risk that they are posing to themselves regardless of it being thoughts or actual acts or preparation.

Twenty-two prose

When things are clear, it's easy, But it rarely has been. Energy is drained and I'd rather be numb, Then feel a range of emotions where happiness might exist

Life in lockdown

At the moment of writing this I am in the midst of a 14 day isolation period where I am unable to step outside of the boundaries of my home. It's not necessarily a matter of changing your mindset because that's not always possible, but it's adapting your brain's capacity in the circumstances you find yourself in, as well as your life as you know it. There are extremely wobbly moments and have been where I have felt on the brink of insanity as well as feeling like I am a hamster trapped in a cage, but I know this is only for a short period of time and by understanding my coping mechanisms, I can find find ways through it. I too know with my mental health diagnosis' that my brain can become overwhelming to the point I no longer feel that I can be rational about my actions, however I am trying to utilise my brain in such a way that I try to become accustomed to this way of life.

25 things I've learnt at 25

I think I've finally started to feel like I am stepping into the shoes of an adult rather than a child or a teenager and as a result I'm going to share with you some of what I have learnt over my years on this planet: 1. Spend more money and time on experiences. Take it step by step; the bigger picture will overwhelm you. There are always two sides to every story and someone may see you differently because of an untrue story.

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