Kelly Minter

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Consider the Birds * Kelly Minter

to reflect on them, really think about how they go about their lives, and then listen to what Jesus is telling us about our own, and about our heavenly Father’s provision. And that heavenly Father isn’t just the Father of the birds; He is your heavenly Father. Part of what Jesus is demonstrating is a general principle that stems from God’s generous care of creation found in Genesis 1­–2. ’re in, my prayer is that in the middle of the night, in the middle of unprecedented times, when we hear the birds chirping with purpose and delight, we will remember the words of Jesus and so add our hallelujahs to the dawn chorus.

The Nearness of God in Uncertain Times * Kelly Minter

Since I think we can collectively agree we’re in a pretty big storm right now, I think this a timely passage that helps solidify what Jesus has promised us. Right before this story Matthew tells us of two other “disciples” who wanted to follow Jesus but who either didn’t count the cost of following Him or didn’t count the value. Regardless of their hang-ups, those two were safe on the shore while the true Christ followers were scrambling for their lives in the storm tossed boat. …the focus of this passage remains squarely Christological—on who Christ is, not on what he will do for us.”1 In Psalm 89:8-10 the psalmist describes Almighty God as the One who is able to rule the raging sea and still the surging waves.

Online Bible Study Options * Kelly Minter

If you are a church and have already bought a DVD kit, you will find a code inside the box that will allow you to download the videos. If you are a church and have already bought a DVD kit, you will find a code inside the box that will allow you to download the videos. I would like to order Kelly’s Bible studies (member books), but Amazon has de-prioritized shipment of books. Right now is offering $5 Ebook options for Finding God Faithful and No Other Gods through April 15!

The Blessed Life: 14 Day Devotional Series * Kelly Minter

Jesus’ Word has always brought me unrivaled hope and comfort, so I want to pass it on in whatever way I can. For the past couple years I’ve spent time studying Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. So here’s what I want to do: For the next 14 days I’ll send you a daily devotional along with a few reflection questions from Matthew 5-7. It’s called, The Blessed Life: 14 Days of Hope from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

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