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My Own Home Blog is a home decor and DIY blog. Full of frugal DIYs and lots of creativity.

Social Audience 3K
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The domain myownhomeblog. com is for sale Is For Sale

The links for ingredients below are to where you can purchase the item on 1/2 cup  Citric Acid 1 cup (290g) Baking Soda / Bicarbonate of Soda 1/4 cup (25g) Quick oats 10 drops each of Lavender and Ylang Ylang essential oil (or your preference of scents) Sprinkle a few lavender petals into the bottom of one of the sides of the mold then press the bath bomb mixture into the mold, filling to the brim. Grab your other half o the mold and fill to the brim with the bath bomb mixture, then carefully squish the two pieces together and lock them in place to create your bath bomb. To use, simply fill the tub with hot/warm water to your liking, toss one into the bath, let it fizz for a bit, then hop (ok, don’t hop into your tub, that is an injury waiting to happen) and enjoy! Is For Sale

The domain myownhomeblog. com is for sale

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