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TD136: The Emotions Of Changing Truck Driving Jobs -

But wait; how is switching from one truck driving job to another trucking driving job such a big deal? As I’ve said all along about the Trucking Company Questionnaire (which you’ll find in How to Find a Great Truck Driving Job or here separately); you don’t have to ask every question on the list; you only have to ask about the things you care about. The only other time I’ve had a union job was in my late 20’s when I loaded trucks part-time for UPS. But before that, we’ve got interesting stuff like Dustin’s Trucker Grub segment on some good BBQ and some long lost listener feedback from Keith, who talks about hourly pay and has a military analogy to truck training, Scot has comments on the podcast and a question about driver suicide, and Mark sent in a audio clip about why there’s so much confrontation between drivers.

TD135: Trucking Recruiters... Friend Or Foe? -

That’s not to say that large company recruiters can’t kill you with kindness also. For instance, most recruiters have a list of things that they’re supposed to discuss with drivers,but drivers don’t usually bother making up their own list of questions to ask the recruiter. Yes, but just because I’ve only worked for six different trucking companies doesn’t mean that I’ve only talked to six recruiters. I’ve addressed the whole “lying recruiter” thing, but that mantra could also say, “Your goal is to find a company whose negatives you can live with.”Or perhaps more bluntly, “Find a company that you don’t completely hate.

TD134: 3 Free Trucking Apps Every Trucker Should Have -

The Weigh My Truck app is an iPhone and Android app that lets you weigh your load without ever having to exit the cab. Without the Weigh My Truck app, you scale the load, go park (hopefully), walk inside, wait in line, pay for the ticket, walk back out to the truck, and then go fuel. Just like the Weigh My Truck app, Trucker Path knows where you’re at if you’ve given them access to your location within the app. If you have more than one document, such as toll receipts or scale tickets (if you’re not using the Weigh My Truck app yet), you’ll have the option to repeat the steps to take additional photos.

$20 For Your Thoughts, Truckers -

At the end, you’ll enter your contact info and they’ll send you a Visa gift card worth $20. Beyond the basic demographic stuff (gender, age, income, etc.), they’re wanting to know what type of trucking you do and what expenses you have as a trucker, compared to what is covered by your employer (if you have one). So like I said, this survey is a quick and easy way to make $20 that your spouse will never know about. You know, it just dawned on me that $20 for a 25-minute survey is over $40 per hour!

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