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I am one busy women who is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle in a crazy busy world. I wear several different hats every day as a wife, personal trainer, cook, runner, camp host , blogger, small business owner, coach, and kickboxing instructor!

Social Audience 593K
  • Books and Literature
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New Year’s Shred: Healthy and Whole – Bobbi McCormick

My hope is that these ideas will help you to EAT CLEAN without feeling restricted as well as making your life a whole lot easier to start off the new year. Last, I am also encouraging everyone to kick sugar (natural sugar is OK) for the entire New Year’s Shred. A Facebook account is highly recommended so you can access the private NHS New Year’s Shred Group, but it is not mandatory as everything will be posted & email weekly. If your PayPal account has an e-mail address that you don’t access often and/or is not an email that is associated with your Facebook account, please write your email address

10 Stocking Stuffers for Your Little Girl – Bobbi McCormick

This year I want to be SUPER intentional with her stocking and thought I would share some of my ideas! 10 Stocking Stuffers for Your Little Girl • We love playing card games together and right now she is all in to the SPOT IT game Put some cute little nail polishes, bath bombs, essential oils and a face mask.

5 Family Christmas Traditions – Bobbi McCormick

We have a ton of things we love to do, but more than anything we love to make memories just being home and cuddling on the couch with a good Christmas movie. We also started the tradition this year of having a nice dinner at home by candlelight to pray over the busy season. This year we can’t wait to check out our new neighborhood lights! None We bake for our neighbors: We love to back cookies for the neighbors each year.

Virtual Coffee Date-Peyton Bre – Bobbi McCormick

Yes we are entering into an Arizona fall, but more than that we are entering into a brand new season. If we were having coffee this morning… This will be the last year that RJ will be home full time before she goes to kindergarden and being in the car for three hours a day was not the way we wanted to spend that time:(  So I said goodbye a week ago (which is so hard cause I loved my kids and my job) but it was for the best. We have baked pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin oats, pumpkin pancakes…

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