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The Daily Positive is a personal growth and positive living business, providing actionable inspiration for a better life and a better world - led by Bernadette Logue, Transformation Life Coach.

Social Audience 1M
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Jacinda Ardern: a face of the change, compassion, humanity, empathy & resistance

It is the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, who has become the first drop of rain. It is she who has thrown her weight behind the Muslims in the most devastating times of their lives

5 Self-Love Steps To Manifest Your Soulmate

Working through these five steps below is a profound self-care method that will help you feel empowered to become a clean slate, ready and open for love… Knowing that your soulmate is on their way, you need to make room in your life and your heart for them. If you want to manifest your soulmate, it is imperative to acknowledge all the other blessings in your life before asking for more. If you train your mind to be grateful for all the beautiful things you already have in your life, you will always have what you want, and be more in tune to be able to manifest the things that you desire to bring into your life. You never know where your soulmate will show up in your life, so being open to whatever love comes your way allows you to seek those possibilities in your path actively.

5 Tips For Thriving in a Long Distance Relationship

It is said that “absence makes the heart grow fonder. ” As much truth as there is in that saying, there is the obvious reality that the absence of your significant other can just makes your heart grow more weary and lonely

2 Ways for Finding Purpose When You're At Rock Bottom

My stepfather hated me. I couldn’t do anything without him telling me how worthless and weak I was

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