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Aurora Rising by Jay Kristoff & Amy Kaufman Review

There’s a lot of hype surrounding this release, and for me at least, Aurora Rising more than met my expectations. Since Aurora Rising is Kristoff and Kaufman’s first book together since Obsidio, I think it’s only natural that people are going to make comparisons between this series and The Illuminae Files. The Illuminae Files featured maps, sketches and all kinds of imagery like the following: I think that Illuminae’s unique format was something that a lot of fans loved about the book, but personally I just found it distracting. Now that I’ve written a little about Illuminae, I think it’s time to move on and focus on all the things I loved about Aurora Rising!

The Nowhere by Chris Gill review

I went into The Nowhere with few expectations, I was attracted to the book because of it’s beautiful cover (for some reason, I just love minimalist covers) and because it was set in Western Australia, the city I’ve lived in for my entire life. The Nowhere was the relationship between Seb and Jake. Something about the way Seb obsessed over Jake, and Jake’s looming sense of emotional instability gave the book kind of a psychological thriller feel, at times, though as a whole it would more likely to be described as a coming of age story or general fiction. I’d also say that I think it’s probably best going into this book without knowing too much about it

We Are Okay Review

Welcome to my stop on the We Are Okay blog tour, brought to you by the lovely people of #AusYABloggers, University of Queensland Press and of course, the amazing Nina LaCour. Personally, I love this kind of book, it’s somehow deeply emotional without being melodramatic, and I feel like the soft, gentle, pacing gives the book a more realistic feel. The main focus of the book is Marin and the relationships she has with the two most important people in her life; her grandfather and her best friend Mabel. After a long, hot summer the Australian weather is finally starting to cool down and I feel this book would make for the perfect comforting and cozy winter read.

City of Ghosts Review

Her parents are paranormal investigators who write books about ghosts, though Cassidy wasn’t much of a believer until a near death experience involving a bridge and a river left her with the ability to see “beyond the veil. When Cassidy’s parents accept an offer to turn their books into a television series, she finds herself on a plane to Scotland with Jacob in tow. Will Lara be able to help keep Cassidy safe from The Raven in Red, a malicious ghost haunting Scottish graveyards? I laughed out loud when Cassidy and Jacob visit a haunted castle and Jacob exclaims, “Pigworts!

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