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Survivor: child sex abuse, sex industry, heroin addiction & suicide. Today, I'm a grateful biopsychologist, author, wife. #metoo #BLM #LGBTQ #RESIST #Joe2020.

Social Audience 7K
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An Open Letter to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

I am so sorry you suffered through the indignity of having an intentional sexually assault when you were only fourteen years old. I know that you suffered from this attack, even though your abuser was “stumbling drunk” and couldn’t perform the act. We all have to live with the memory of that horrible assault, where we felt terrified, alone, uncertain about whether this drunken person actually kill you. I turned my life around, freed myself from heroin, and became a psychologist like you, perhaps so I could make some sense of the terrible violence to which my abuser subjected me.

My Divorce from the New York Times (irreconcilable differences)

I have had a love/hate relationship with the New York Times since Trump’s presidency. Since I loathe being on the phone (probably a remnant of Julie’s Hotline, the fantasy phone call service I ran), I chose the chat option. n’t want your fucking promotional offer; I want to cancel my subscription. Of course, this is a satirical piece, but there is something about canceling my subscription to the New York Times that reminded me just a tiny bit of searching for my shoes in that huge pile in the Moonie House.

Be on alert: America is Still under Attack on Social Media

However, in the last several days, I have seen Russian bots—or rabid Trump supporters trying to divide those of us who are on the right side of history. They are going to try to mess with this election just like in 2016 when popular vote loser Donald Trump and his Russian pals scammed the system and stole the presidency. Make sure your voter registration data is up to date, particularly if you are a registered democrat and you live in a Red State. As a word of caution, I think people should register as independents because they aren’t under attack by anyone, particularly in state when you don’t have to claim a party to be able to vote (like in Massachusetts).

Why I have No Sympathy for Melania Trump

Melania Trump was a high-end call girl at one point, when she met her charming husband (/sarcasm). The Kit Kat’s sole purpose is a hookup for young pretty women to meet rich older (and generous) men for mutual satisfaction. Melania Trump’s very existence tells women that they can put up with a boorish, racist, treasonous lying sexual predator if he has enough money. Any woman who could stand beside a man who has repeatedly shown such cruelty to so many people, as well as humiliating her in the most public and demeaning way makes me feel zero sympathy for her.

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