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NYT and USA Today bestselling author. Cosmic traveler. Always writing something. Sometimes my assistant will post updates on my account.

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AMERICAN WITCH: Friday Snippets (5)

Here’s today’s Friday Snippet of AMERICAN WITCH for you! This snippet begins Chapter Four. As always, this is draft material and things are subject to editing (and possibly deletion), so please don’t share

AMERICAN WITCH: Friday Snippets (4)

He said you’d had a fight, but I already knew that. Let’s ignore the fact that being a successful law partner’s wife can be a full-time job in itself, or that I fundraised almost three hundred thousand dollars last year for a charity just by working as a part-time volunteer. The only thing I regret is staying with him as long as I did when, deep down, I knew better. You’ll just have to trust that I know how to look out for myself.

AMERICAN WITCH: Friday Snippets (3)

I saw sparks at the edges of my vision, and I knewsomething had shot out of my body. They seem to have witches in every generation, or at least that’s what I’ve read. After pausing, he continued more slowly, “I didn’t have any history of known witches in my family either, but many years ago I was in an accident that put me into a coma for two weeks. But I don’t understand what’s really happening or how to control it.

AMERICAN WITCH: Friday Snippets (2)

A solitary, dark-haired man sat at the bar, his long, folded figure indicating height and broad shoulders. As he neared, she felt the same thing she had sensed on Thursday, that he emitted some kind of dark, intense frequency that made everybody else in the bar appear pale and flat, like paper dolls. He didn’t look like the kind of man who would enjoy losing control to outside influences. When I cast a spell of finding, I didn’t sense any witches of significant Power in Atlanta, which was one of the reasons why I moved here.

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