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Maybe you're struggling with depression, anxiety, or bipolarity. Perhaps it's a loved one or friend. Chipur is about sharing, learning, and relief.

Social Audience 5K
  • Special Education
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  • Medical Health
  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Pharmaceutical Drugs
  • Biological Sciences
Fantasy: Learn About It, Use and Enjoy It (heck, it’s free)

Fantasy Island, Fantasy Baseball, Fantasyland, Final Fantasy, Fantasy 5. Seems plenty of people are doing the fantasy thing, coughing-up large dough to participate

The Solar Plexus: Learning About the Third Chakra

But what’s really cool is the third chakra is thought to be involved with power, control, freedom, the ease with which we can be ourselves, self-esteem, personality, ego, and the ‘mental body.’ Heading out of town with my children and grandchildren tomorrow to inter the remains of my dad, who died in January. The solar plexus (celiac plexus) is a thick cluster of nerves and supporting tissue behind the stomach, just below the diaphragm. I became interested in the goings-on of the solar plexus after experiencing the sensation of a chronic knot in between the bottom of my sternum and naval, as well as some poor breathing habits. But what’s really cool is the third chakra is thought to be involved with power, control, freedom, the ease with which we can be ourselves, self-esteem, personality, ego, and the “mental body.

“SSRIs seem to work for everyone else. So why not me?” New Research

New meds, or meds in development, often steal the headlines, but it’s “back-page” work like this that may well bring relief to millions by, say, solving the resistance issue or directing patients to other antidepressant (AD) classes or non-ADs. The Salk brain-trust sets the table for their study by stating disrupted serotonergic neurotransmission has long been implicated in the generation of major depressive disorder (MDD). They turned to something known as induced pluripotent stem cell technology (iPSC, and we aren’t going there), which allowed them to generate neural subtypes of SSRI-responsive and resistant study participants (800 total). Well, the team discovered that altered serotonergic neuron growth, form and structure, and circuitry “downstream” of what are called protocadherin alpha genes (not going there either) are associated with SSRI-resistance.

Augmenting Traditional Psychiatry with Asian Medicine: Docs Are In

According to Chinese medical history it’s the vital energy that circulates through the body in ‘energy channels’ or meridians. It’s the flow of Qi, influenced by internal and external factors, that creates imbalances that present as physical or emotional issues. According to Chinese medical history it’s the vital energy that circulates through the body in “energy channels” or meridians. And he acknowledges that herbal formulations used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda (originated in the Indian subcontinent) have shown positive results in treating challenges such as depressed mood, schizophrenia, and neurodegenerative disorders.

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