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  • Family and Relationships
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Cardiomyopathy is a dysfunction of cardiac muscle that can be associated with coronary artery disease, hypertension, cardiotoxic agents, valvular disorders, and vascular or pulmonary diseases. * BP: increased or decreased, depending on underlying disease or degree of heart failure Obtain Bp hourly or more frequently if the patient’s condition is unstable. Monitor hourly urine output to evaluate effects of decreased cardiac output or pharmacologic intervention. Previous work experiences include: Clinical instructor/lecturer, clinical coordinator (Level II), caregiver instructor/lecturer, NC2 examination reviewer and staff/clinic nurse.

Anomalies of the Placenta

The maternal side is rough and it attaches to the uterine wall whilst the fetal portion is smooth with branching vessels covering the membrane-covered surface. The placenta has a central depression on its fetal surface to the edge where fetal membranes are attached. The umbilical cord enters the placenta at the normal site, however, the blood vessels end abruptly at the point where the chorion folds back to the surface. If the umbilical vessels of a velamentous cord insertion cross the cervical os that causes it to be delivered first before the fetus is a condition called vasa previa.

Anatomy and Physiology of Respiratory System

The receptors for the sense of smell, olfactory receptors are found in the mucosa of the slit-like superior part of the nasal cavity which is located beneath the ethmoid bone. Respiratory mucosa lines the rest of the nasal cavity and rests on a rich network of thin-walled veins that warms the air passing by. This important characteristic moistens the air and traps the incoming bacteria and other foreign debris passing through the nasal cavity. Cells of the nasal mucosa are ciliated and it creates a gentle current that moves the contaminated mucus posteriorly towards the throat, where it is swallowed and digested by stomach juices.

No more injections? Presenting Smart Insulin Patch

The smart insulin patch is basically a microneedle patch which automatically releases insulin in response to high glucose levels. According to Zhen Gu, PhD, co-author of the study Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and a professor in the Joint UNC/NC State Department of Biomedical Engineering, “this patch for diabetes works fast, is easy to use, and is made from nontoxic, biocompatible materials”. John Buse, MD, PhD, co-senior author of the PNAS paper and the director of the UNC Diabetes Care Center, said, “Injecting the wrong amount of medication can lead to significant complications like blindness and limb amputations, or even more disastrous consequences such as diabetic comas and death. According to Michael German, clinical director of the Diabetes Center at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center who was not involved in the study, “smart insulin pumps and patches could certainly help diabetics if they can be equipped to respond to glucose levels as they are changing rather than after they have already reached a critically high threshold.

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