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Greenfield: Ivy League 'Wokes' are the Biggest Domestic Violence Extremism Threat

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) free speech survey from 2020 found that the highest level of tolerance for political violence came from Columbia University students. While most surveys don’t break down support for political violence within a party, the FIRE college survey showed that “students identifying as extremely liberal said violence to stop a speech or event from occurring on campus was ‘always’ or ‘sometimes’ acceptable at a rate double than students identifying as extremely conservative.” 1 in 4 black students and students who identified as LGBTQIA found violence acceptable under some conditions while white and straight students were the least likely to support violence. ’s support for violence may be opportunistic, but Ivy League campuses are radicalizing students to support violent revolution regardless of who is in office.

Greenfield: The Blackout Capital of America Sneers at Texas

In 2003, New York City’s power went out because of a mistake by an operator in Ohio as part of the second biggest blackout in history which took down the grid in eight states and in Canada. New York City politicians and media taunting Texas over power failures from the blackout capital of the country (at least the part of it not located in California) is a really poor decision. Planes were forced to land on emergency power because the airport was blacked out A year later, New York City celebrated the anniversary of the ’77 blackout which kept the city in the dark for days after a lightning storm and led to the worst rioting and looting in the city until the Black Lives Matter riots last year, with yet another blackout. It’s easy for New York special interests to take cheap shots at Texas because the media may experience blackouts, but it won’t blame New York Democrats for them except for political gain.

Dr. Charles Jacobs: Cancel Culture Hits Boston's Jews

Hosted by Anni Cyrus, producer of The Glazov Gang and Founder of Live Up To Freedom. This new webinar features Dr. Charles Jacobs, He is the president of Americans for Peace and Tolerance. Dr. Jacobs discusses Cancel Culture Hits Boston’s Jews, unveiling how Jewish organizations are being taken over by well-funded, ideologically-driven leftists.

Greenfield: Verizon Cut Off Donations to Republicans, Partnered With Anti-Semitic Farrakhan Pal

But Verizon’s Yahoo subsidiary is working together with the infamous socialist who had praised Venezulean butcher Hugo Chavez as part of its #YahooAllyshipPledge which vows to connect “diverse creators” with “thought leaders, nonprofits and activists, including Dr. Cornel West. ” West got a doctorate in philosophy for his aforementioned dissertation on the ethical dimensions of an ideology that killed millions of people in which he mentioned “the profound tragedy of the epochal change in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe” and argued that, “Marxist thought becomes even more relevant after the collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union. But Verizon’s Yahoo subsidiary is working together with the infamous socialist who had praised Venezulean butcher Hugo Chavez as part of its #YahooAllyshipPledge which vows to connect “diverse creators” with “thought leaders, nonprofits and activists, including Dr. Cornel West. ” West got a doctorate in philosophy for his aforementioned dissertation on the ethical dimensions of an ideology that killed millions of people in which he mentioned “the profound tragedy of the epochal change in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe” and argued that, “Marxist thought becomes even more relevant after the collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union.”

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