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7 Tricks You Can Use to Get Over Your Blog Writers Block

So when most bloggers literally only spend $70 a year to maintain their blog, it’s not so bad… especially since if you pursue a blog, you’ll have the best chance of making money from it the longer you blog for. I’ve now got my blog post writing time down to about the same time as an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine on Netflix. Don’t Believe the Hype If you’ve launched your blog last month and you’re not hitting 5,000 monthly viewers, don’t worry about it! If you’re blogging in your spare time, working a 40 hour work week, and also looking after a household of kids and a spouse who doesn’t quite get it, that’s a lot of pressure.

The Top 13 WordPress Plugins You NEED to Monetize Your Blog in 2018

A lot of bloggers throughout the industry use Media Vine and although like any ad network there may be people who are unhappy, overall, people seem to love Media Vine. Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways for bloggers to make money, if you haven’t already you should get started on building an email list. SumoMe is a free plugin you can use that helps you create simple opt-in forms to grow your email list. While we’re talking about selling digital products, It’d be terrible to not mention my favorite plugin and tool for selling digital products online, SendOwl.

Billionaire Blog Club, Should You Invest In Your Blog Future?

In this post, I’ll outline exactly what the Billionaire Blog Club is, how it’s going to help me turn this blog into the world-beating blog The Billionaire Blog Club only opens up for registration a couple of times a year, for now, you can take Scriv’s free 12-day Blogging Bootcamp to help you get started. Scriv’s free 12-day course for the Billionaire Blog Club was an eye-opener for me. Scriv’s free 12-day course, after all, it’s free and the knowledge you are set to gain from the course will no doubt really open up your eyes, to the possibility of real levels of traffic.

$86,400 Every Day for the Rest of Your Life? Goals In Life

Because you know the next day, you’d be getting another 86,400 dollars, you wouldn’t want to leave a single dollar. it’s time to think about some short, mid-length and longer goals in life that you want to achieve. That’s pretty long term and it’s usually how long it can take for you to have a vision for a change you want to make that isn’t so far away that it won’t happen. Deciding where you want to be going is the first step, setting the goals is the second step and realizing you have 86,400 chances every single day to make purposeful progress towards your goals is the third step.

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