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Check out our interview for more on Lisa’s story and the amazing benefits of Pilates! By Lisa, an online Pilates studio where members have 24/7 access to over 200 full length, real time workouts anytime anywhere and from any device! You can find Lisa online on her website, Pilates by Lisa, and on Instagram and Facebook! She offers a free 10 day trial on her online classes, so it’s the perfect way to sample them if you’re interested in giving Pilates a try!

Natural Beauty Archives

It’s so easy- just apply honey to your face (raw is best but not necessary) and then rinse it off like you would any normal face wash. If you are vegan and do not use honey, you can also check out the Oil Cleansing Method, which I also love but find it does dry my face slightly. Apply a small amount to your scalp (parting your hair and applying directly on the scalp), allow to sink in overnight, and then wash out in the morning. Massaging your scalp is a great way to remove scalp build up and and stimulate blood flow which promotes stronger, healthier hair.

Deluxe Vegan Mac & Cheese Recipe

It’s definitely one of the most popular recipes in my eBook, The Vibrant Health Recipe Book. Also, I generally share very healthy recipes on my blog, and while I wouldn’t say this one is unhealthy, it’s also not one of my healthiest because it uses some faux products, like Daiya cheeze and Earth Balance. Note that this recipe is not gluten free, but you can easily make it so by subbing in corn pasta and gluten free flour and bread crumbs. For more delicious recipes, check out my eBooks The Vibrant Health Recipe Book and The Ultimate Smoothie eBook.

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