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Axis of Consciousness and Divine Feminine Wisdom and empowerment since 2009

Social Audience 144K
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MYSTICMAMMA.COM : consciousness, spirituality, astrology, wisdom, inspiration new

But we must remember that we can take time to shift our Axis, and allow the great ocean of consciousness to hold us as we dip our ears into its deeper waters. Our journey requires that we as individuals reclaim our personal power through our vertical Axis that activates us into our Center, as the midpoints between the Earth and Sky, Above and Below, Past and Future. It’s not easy to let go of the shore, but these times are calling for radical trust as we shift to our Original Axis, so we can realign in a truer way with the whole of Creation and our part in it. If we are thirsty for change in our life, eager to discard old and tired ways to make room for new life, a black moon is our unfailing ally, providing the impetus and focus to embrace and bring about effective and long-lasting change.

MYSTICMAMMA.COM : consciousness, spirituality, astrology, wisdom, inspiration new

it is right smack on the Solstice point… he EXACT SAME TIME TO THE MINUTE as the New Moon… he maximumhe EXACT SAME TIME TO THE MINUTE as the New Moon… The World Axis includes the 4 cardinal points of 0 Aries, 0 Cancer, 0 Libra and 0 Capricorn. In tropical astrology when the Sun transits these degrees we have the spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice respectively (In the Southern Hemisphere 0 Aries is Fall, 0 Cancer is Winter, 0 When we have a Solar Eclipse sandwiched between two Lunar Eclipses like this one, we often see a process of emotional upheaval and purging triggered by the first Lunar Eclipse, followed by a time of radical action and significant events at the Solar Eclipse, followed by a period of emotional repatterning and transformation at the Second Lunar Eclipse (in Capricorn, on 5th July 2020).

MYSTICMAMMA.COM : consciousness, spirituality, astrology, wisdom, inspiration new

With things in the state that they are right now, it should come as no surprise that we are headed into Eclipse season beginning with this FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius on June 5th 2020. Let’s use that surge of Sagittarius creative power to launch new Life affirming ways to support our existence and everyone’s right to Liberty. Courageous thought, courageous speech, courageous hearts open to a new world in which we’re not told how things are but instead discern, through digesting many perspectives and listening, perhaps most importantly, to the voice within that knows truth.. As Saturn completes its shift from Capricorn to its new home in Aquarius during the course of 2020, it illuminates the suppression of free-thought and open debate.

MYSTICMAMMA.COM : consciousness, spirituality, astrology, wisdom, inspiration new

The numerology on this NEW MOON in Gemini is beautifully dyadic, as we have lots of Gemini in the chart and lots of 2’s; the Sun and Moon are both at 2 degrees in Gemini, and Venus and Mercury are at 20 degrees in Gemini on the 22nd in 2020. The lunar north node of Gemini and south node of Sagittarius suggests that as we explore new ideas, we have the opportunity to find our own truth as we stay open to others truth as well. There is so much Gemini in the New Moon chart- not just the Sun and Moon but also Mercury (the ruler of the New Moon in his own sign), Venus who is retrograde and the asteroid Goddess Vesta. There is an absolutely lovely Grand Air Trine in the New Moon chart between the New Moon, Saturn in Aquarius, Pallas Athena and Juno….

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