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Better Birth Graphics for birth professionals. Inspiration and information for the early years. Birthing classes. Love and help for breech babies.

Social Audience 801
  • Books and Literature
  • Food & Drink
  • Non-Alcoholic Beverages
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Healthy Living
  • Women's Health
Permission to Use My Vagina, Please?

The form requires women who want a VBAC with this doctor to sign saying they understood that, basically, if he deems any little thing to be “off” with labor or pregnancy, he will cart them off to the OR without so much as a pip. Sure, anyone can just stay home and have an unassisted VBAC, vaginal breech birth, or any kind of birth. But my options, with a vbac, were an illegal midwife at home or a 40% chance of a repeat cesarean with a heavily monitored hospital birth. When I had my breech, my choices were: scheduled pre-labor cesarean with a doctor I respected; emergency surgery in labor by a mystery doctor who might be angry that I didn’t schedule; or unassisted vaginal breech birth at home.

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