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Independent book reviewer and book lover. If it has to do with books, publishing, libraries, or reading I'm interested. Aside from the voices in my head no one tells me what to say; I write what I mean.

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Normal People by Sally Rooney

Marianne is lost on the surface because she’s too smart, too unwilling to play the games that might make her popular, and Connell is lost in the feeling But because they’re teenagers things soon progress to a sexual relationship, one Connell doesn’t want anyone to know about. For much of Normal People it works, but if Rooney is a spinner of feelings into words, she doesn’t imbue either Connell or Marianne with the same gift. The two usually go hand in hand, but in Normal People, I accept Rooney’s choice, possibly because she writes with such depth and assurance I can’t disagree.

The Gilmore Guide to Books

What follows, after an interminable explanation from Karen about Karen is probably the key reason Trust Exercise is getting 5 stars from some readers, because it is damn clever. Part Two is the present day and Karen is going to debunk every single aspect of the lies and misdirection in Part One. Here’s what you need to know about Part Two: it’s told in the 3rd person (Karen) but with sudden interjections in the 1st person. It’s been made abundantly clear that Karen feels wronged by Part One and Part Two

The Ash Family by Molly Dektar

In fact, she’s sure her mother doesn’t understand and just wants her to go to college because she didn’t. It was her dream, never mine, kicked off by her own mother, or her mother’s mother, the long line of women who never got out, but instead grew old and stiff as boards and knocked over one onto the next, leaning hard all the way to me. She is a veritable sponge, absorbing all of Dice’s wisdom, believing that as he says: She revels in her primal life, eating grubs, never bathing, and emptying out the pit below the outhouse. It’s clear from the very beginning of The Ash Family that Berie is a young woman in desperate need of an identity.

The Affairs of the Falcóns: A Novel

The Affairs of the Falcóns by Published by Ecco Publication date: April 2, 2019 Genres: Book Clubs, Cultural, Debut, Fiction, Social Issues IndieBound, Amazon, Powells Life for Ana Through Ana, author Melissa Rivero explores the plight of undocumented immigrants in America in her debut novel, The Affairs of the Falcóns. She can’t get enough overtime to earn the money they need, they have to send money home to Peru, Lucho’s driving is not earning what they expected, and Valeria wants them out of the apartment now. And while in recent years through the news and my own reading I’ve gotten a better sense of what immigrants (legal or not) go through in America, it is startling to read all the ways Ana and her family are preyed upon by predatory lenders, overworked by employers, and overcharged for virtually everything—victimized because they have no recourse.

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