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Strength and conditioning for the whole community

Social Audience 790
  • Fitness and Exercise
  • Sports
  • Weightlifting
WODs for April 29th-May 4th 2019

1000m row for time Rest as needed 750m row for time Rest as needed 500m row for time rest as needed 250 row for time As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes of: 9 handstand push ups 6 burpees 3 power snatch 70/55kg Post time, load, and scaling For 3 minutes get as many reps as you can of: deadlift, same load as back squat Rest one minute Thursday’s WOD at 6, 7, 9am and again at 4 and 6pm each rep 10 weighted pull ups 20 overhead squats, 10 each arm 10 weighted pull ups 10 Turkish Get Ups 10 weighted pull ups Post time and scaling Use a 40/25# DB for all movements (scale anything necessary)

Friday 190426

Our interns Maria and Matthew are have completed their finals and will walk on Saturday morning. After graduation Maria will continue to spend lots of time at the Hut, Matthew is going to travel around for the month of May before returning to Malibu, and Erin will be in Lausanne Switzerland for a few months this summer. For time, complete: 50 wall ball shots, 20/14# 50′ handstand walk 100′ weighted walking lunge 20/14# med ball 35 wall ball shots, 20/14# 50′ handstand walk 100′ weighted walking lunge 20/14# med ball 15 wall ball shots, 20/14# 50′ handstand walk 100′ weighted walking lunge 20/14# med ball Post time, load, and scaling

Thursday 190425 Cleans and Push Ups

Tuesday we featured an Oly/Gym couplet of power snatch and burpees and today is the same… with heavy squat cleans acting as the Oly move and push ups as the gymnastics. The not-so-subtle difference is that today we need to get to some heavy loads for the intention of the WOD to be realized. If your time is a bit slower than you thought it would be AND you used a load that got a bit frightening at times. Four rounds for time of: 100/65kg squat cleans, 5 reps 25 strict push ups, feet on 15kg plate Post time, load, and scaling Thursday

Wednesday 190424 AMRAP 20

And I’m not talking about not remembering to take the library books back, or forgetting a friend’s birthday, or completely spacing on someone’s name you just met. Huddled under the warm covers in the dark, hitting snooze, remembering only the cold water and how good another hour of sleep would feel. I’m just going to do a little more work” frequently manages to keep the brain working overtime as the head hits the pillow. WOD at  6, 7, 9am and again at 4 and 6pm As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 20 strict pull ups 30 DB push press 50/35# 400m run Post load and total rounds completed and additional reps

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