Alyssa Sharpe

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To The Point & Sharp Astrology.

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Libra Full Moon 2017

Below you can find your Rising sign and Sun sign’s Aries New Moon intentions. If you are a(n): Aries or Aries Rising, change is needed if: you realize that you have strayed from what makes you uniquely you, and/or your tendency to seek out new experiences. Libra or Libra Rising, change is needed if: you find yourself losing poise, or thinking or acting out irrationally lately. Capricorn or Capricorn Rising, change is needed if: as a creature of habit you find yourself seeking happiness in new territory, and you still aren’t happy.

Career Spotlight: Interview with a Leo Midheaven

It’s always great to find someone who follows their Natal Chart’s promise for their lives, it’s even better to  find someone who is thriving in it Mares is a Virgo with a Scorpio Moon/Rising, and Leo Midheaven–since your Midheaven is the career path in your natal chart, I’m mainly interested in how that particular aspect plays out in his life. It’s nice to see the city really embracing it’s uniqueness and history in a cool way. It’s so funny, most people who work in the game industry are so burned out on games that they don’t play them at home anymore because they can’t stop analyzing them or finding flaws in it.

The Aries New Moon: Who You Are

Aries is the sign of newness, infancy, identity, and basic human needs, there is no sign younger, or more wide-eyed then the Aries. And the fact that Aries is the newest sign, doesn’t mean that the New Year has completely started. When the Moon enters the exact same degree as the Sun, during Aries Season, we get the Aries New Moon. Your Sun sign on the Aries New Moon, will be inclined to set intentions in your physical reality. Your Rising Sign on the Aries New Moon, will be inclined to set intentions for your life purpose.

Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse: The Awakening

Pisces season brings an opportunity to tap into the intuitive part of the psyche and set intentions for your deepest desires during the New Moon solar eclipse at the end of this February. This New Moon in Pisces marks the transition of an end to a new beginning. The New Moon marks a transition to release themes of bondage and Pisces martyrdom for expansive happier and healthier relationships. the New Moon may have you looking inward, reflecting on themes surrounding your home, family around this New Moon.

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