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Empowering, encouraging, and supporting stay at home moms of special needs children.

Social Audience 32K
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The Different Home Interior Styles You Might Want To Try

We can all get a little bored of how our surroundings look, perhaps having a strong urge to change a color in one room, or completely change round furniture or even change the use of another room. Shabby chic is an interior style that hit many homes a few years ago and the look is certainly not disappearing in the near future. A shabby chic home is filled with cottage style furniture and items that look pleasing on the eye, but could have a traditional look about them. Maybe you like things that have sentimental value, or a style that could be nostalgic of years gone by.

4 Simple Tips For An Eco-Friendly Kitchen

If you are looking for ways to be more eco-friendly at home, the kitchen is the best place to start. You also have issues with things like cleaning chemicals and packaging that are not great for the environment, which is why the kitchen should be your focus when trying to go green at home. You should also try to find local zero waste stores that let you use refillable containers for things like rice and pasta. But if you pay more attention to your use and avoid things like running the tap to wash up instead of filling the bowl, it makes a big difference.

Creating a Productive Environment to Work From Home

But while it’s great to not worry about sitting in traffic or deal with endless meetings where time stands still, it’s not always easy to stay motivated at your home office. Whether you find a fantastic desk with multiple drawers or fill your home office with modern condo furniture to give it a more professional feel, you can create a useful work space that will help boost your productivity. You should also make sure to work only in your dedicated office so your brain associates productivity with the home office. Just For You While it can be a challenge to find the productivity you need to work from home effectively, managing to create the right environment will help you smash your work and still have time to do everything else you need to.

4 Top Tips For Combating Stress

When we get stressed, we are not our usual selves and it can affect people in a number of different ways. If you are finding that stress is becoming an increasing problem within your life, then you should start taking note of the times that you are stressed and look for patterns. Think about what may have brought on stress at that time, and think about ways that you can avoid that situation, or react differently in the future. If stress is a commonly recurring problem in your life and you are finding that it is having an effect on your sleep, relationships, family life, or work life, then it is time to reach out and get the help that you need.

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