Abel Communications

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  • Business and Finance
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  • Technology & Computing
The Cost of Bad Content

If you’re posting content online and not getting the engagement or response that you’ve been hoping for, it might be time for a reality check. Here are three questions to ask yourself to help identify your content issues: Sometimes content is not bad because it’s low quality, it’s bad because it is not in line with business goals. When budgeting for content, would you rather spend $500 on a blog post that fails, or $750 on a blog post that has great engagement and creates two leads for your business? A few quality posts throughout the week will perform better than posting multiple low quality posts every day.

How to Succeed in the Abel Associate Program – or Any Internship

You’ve spent years in school learning your craft, only to find qualifications like “full-time, real-world experience” in nearly every entry-level job description (on top of your schoolwork and the standard 2+ internships). The Abel Associate Program is a three-month, full-time paid internship where you become fully integrated on client accounts. The program offers hands-on, in-depth work experiences that help to grow your strategic thinking and communications skills, as well as your understanding of the professional world and business relationships. The Associate Program is intended to teach you valuable communications and marketing skills, but it’s also meant to mold you into a young professional.

Abel Minded with Ted Capshaw: Learn How to Give the Gift of Truth

For the past several years, Abel Communications has been working with leadership coach Ted Capshaw to create a culture of honest and productive feedback in our workplace. Listen to our most recent Abel Minded Podcast, where Ted and I sit down and discuss why most business leaders do a terrible job of providing feedback to employees; and typically fail to create a culture where professional and honest feedback is expected and appreciated. I value Ted’s coaching so much that we decided to share his thinking and influence with other local business leaders at a special event on Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017 at Spark Baltimore. As I’ve coached leadership teams, I started to think to myself, imagine if everyone approached work with a mindset of, today I’m going to give.

How to Succeed in the Abel Associate Program, or Any Internship

You’ve spent years in school learning your craft, only to find qualifications like full-time, real-world experience in nearly every entry-level job description (on top of your schoolwork and the standard 2+ internships). The program offers hands-on, in-depth work experiences that help to grow your strategic thinking and communications skills, as well as your understanding of the professional world and business relationships. For example, when I see our team send meeting notes, I’ve noticed that pulling out action items for both you and your client can keep everyone accountable and organized and then have made sure to mimic that with the meeting notes that I now send. The Associate Program is different from other internships in that you become an integral member of the team, tasked with relevant, challenging assignments that provide real value and support to accounts.

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