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Blogger,Health and Wellness Advocate, Speaker, Expert on Menopause Awareness, Author of http://ellendolgen.com/menopause-book


Social Audience 34K
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Latest News from North American Menopause Society 2018 Convention

Here are some to speak with your specialist about: Non-hormone options such as long-acting vaginal moisturizers and use of vaginal lubricants to decrease friction can reduce sexual discomfort. I reached out to Dr. Rebecca Brightman who is a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) and the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) and is also a NAMS certified menopause practitioner, and an assistant clinical professor OBGYN and Reproductive Science at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City for her thoughts on this difficult menopausal symptom, she said, “ Here is what she told me, “Women frequently feel that screening for BRCA 1 and 2 is enough, 10% of women at risk who are negative for BRCA 1 and 2 will be positive for another mutation that may be associated with an increased risk for hereditary cancers. Here is how it was defined in the session: “Goal-directed treatment proposes that treatment should aim to achieve goals, such as BMD “T-score” that is at least higher than -2.5 (indicating osteoporosis) and freedom from fracture.

Menopause Instruction Manual

“talked the talk” with countless menopause experts, to be able to “walk the menopause walk” and share my keys to this menopause kingdom with you. The information is delivered to you in layperson speak, along with a pinch of humor and a lot of love. My goal is for you to feel at home here as if you are having a cocktail with your best friend, who happens to know a lot about perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. I am handing you the keys to the menopause kingdom delivered with commitment, attention to your optimal health, love, light, and laughter.


After struggling with her own severe menopause symptoms and doing years of research, Ellen resolved to share what she learned from experts and her own trial and error. Her goal was to replace the confusion, embarrassment, and symptoms millions of women go through–before, during, and after menopause–with the medically sound solutions she discovered. Her passion to become a “sister” and confidant to all women fueled Ellen’s first book, Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness. As a result of the overwhelming response from her burgeoning audiences and followers’ requests for empowering information they could trust, Ellen’s weekly blog, Menopause MondaysTM, was born.

Jet Orange – The Menopause Airline

Flight attendants on Jet Orange are here for your safety and their own. Our flight attendants will collect all sharp objects once you board such as your pen, table knives, and swords. We know that your emotions are wildly erratic and sometimes you just need to cry it out, so we run the movie, The Notebook on repeat throughout the whole flight. The best part is, here at Jet Orange, you won’t have to worry about remembering your flight, or your name.

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