Barnaby King

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Do 'Black Lives Matter' or 'All Lives Matter'?

In Acts 6, Luke records how Greek (Hellenist) widows were being unjustly overlooked in the distribution of food in Jerusalem, in favor of the majority Hebrew (Hebraic) widows. * Whisper that Greek-on-Greek violence and other cultural deficiencies contributed to there being so many Greek widows in the first place Sort of like how people would be suspicious of any Republican-led racial justice initiative today. Not Donald Trump-style “eye-for-an-eye” Christians, but ones who want to be more like Jesus.

Can a College Student Get a Summer Job during a Pandemic?

With 40M+ Americans out of work, the competition for summer work – or any work at all – hasn’t been this fierce since the Great Depression. Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up Pippa applied for a summer research position. Pippa also applied to her college’s Fellowship Program, which pays students $12/hr for 7 weeks to work unpaid internships that they find. Pippa’s college friend nabbed a job at McDonald’s this summer, and kudos to her for the hustle.

Dollar Origami Bible Lesson for Distanced Grade School Students

Ours stepped up with some amazing ventriloquy work featuring the slow yet lovable K. J. (think Mater from Cars), plus some felt board lessons. Nora held the iPad camera over my work area so the kids could see exactly what I was doing. After the folding was complete, Nora raised the camera above my head to reveal a creative transcription of John 3:16 taped to the wall. Moving the iPad back to the work area, I showed the kids how to create a loop of scotch tape for hanging the folded heart on their bedroom door or wall.

Balancing Grocery Bills, an Internet Upgrade & College Refunds During Virus Lockdown

On Saturday, March 7, Pippa took a shuttle to the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, to catch a plane to Colorado to visit her grandmother for college spring break. We had 2 mbps Verizon DSL and with Grey streaming physics lectures, and Pippa Microsoft Teams-ing Spanish class, and Nora Zoom-ing her school colleagues, I was struggling to get my emails to come in. * York College of Pennsylvania – as of this week, is still “exploring adjustments to fees” * University of Maryland – refunding 51% of semester room fee, 55% of board, 51% of parking, and $378 of mandatory fees for FT undergraduates * Liberty University – offering a $1,000 credit for the fall, which spurred a federal class action lawsuit for its paltriness Pippa’s college gave the option to accept the refund as a fall credit, or an immediate refund.

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