Candy Treft

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An Experienced Travel Nurse helping you learn to combat Hypertravelosis. Details at

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"Patient Gossip" When Does Social Media Posts Violate HIPAA

Here are some tips that Healthcare Compliance Pros suggests to consider before making a post on social media: Know the difference between personal and professional use. Personal use of social media is often referred to as a social media use on an account that is registered to an individual that is not used for business purposes. Professional use is generally using social media for approved business purposes on behalf of an account registered to an organization, a practice or provider. Understand when you work for a professional organization, what you post on your personal social media sites may potentially have an impact on your professional reputation.

Guest Article: Preparing our family for travel – Sarah Owens, RN

With so many travel nurses posting questions about how you travel with your family, kids, pets, etc. we thought this would be a great guest article to post and give you some insight on how one travel family is getting ready to do just that. They were 9,6 and 3 when we started in April and 7,4, and 1 when we first started considering and planning for life as a travel family. To keep in touch the kids have the addresses and phone numbers of their friends and we FaceTime family frequently which has made a big difference and so far we have heard very little about the kids being homesick.

How to Stay Motivated

How do you stay motivated to keep an exercise regime after working 3 or 4 twelve hours shifts a week? *  Set a goal for a specific dated physical event (ie Marathon, walking event, etc.) and tell everyone that matters to you. Having people who you care about help hold you accountable is a great motivator. I asked one of the physicians at work (who had previously lost a significant amount of weight) to help keep me on-track with my training schedule

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