Score (What’s this?)

Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.

Social Audience 0
  • Moz DA 17
  • Career Planning
  • Events and Attractions
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  • Parenting
  • Hobbies & Interests
  • Music and Audio
ECHO ON 2017 End-Of-Year Showcases are now CONFIRMED!

This year is extra special as it's our studio's 5th Birthday and we invite our students and families to celebrate this milestone with us! *Please note that JUNIOR GROUPS are scheduled to perform on the 16th* LOCATION: Please note that JUNIOR GROUPS are NOT required for these rehearsals *$20 cost per student to facilitate staff musicians and accompanists All singers must send a short BIO (with any singing related experience, or even just your interests) and a HEADSHOT / PHOTO by November 25 to FURTHER INFORMATION FOR SINGERS AND PARENTS: FOR TICKETS, PLEASE CLICK HERE (Available from Week 2 - Monday 16th onwards) Tickets are $35 for Adults, $25 for Children, or $120 for Families (2Ad, 3Ch) and are ordered / payable by direct deposit or PayPal (A confirmation email is sent thereafter and names are placed on a guest list on the evening) We sincerely look forward to preparing our students / singers for this special event and can't wait to hear all of our singers share their voices and their hard work to all of our families and guests!

Winter Song: Our Mid-Year Recital is ON!

We are so VERY EXCITED to announce more details about our first-ever formal Mid-Year Recital, titled ‘Winter Song’. Our recital, as previously mentioned earlier this term, will be held on July 1, 2017 and we are pleased to confirm our two recital times: 4:00pm - 5:30pm for our Junior GLEE groups and young singers 7:00pm - 8:30pm for our young singers, adults and teacher performances These will both be held at: The Australian Performing Arts Grammar School (Where we held one of our Junior end-of-year concerts last year), 255 Broadway, Glebe What to do Please advise your teachers which recital you would like to perform at. Tickets will be $22 for Adults and $12 for Children 5yrs and over, and Family tickets (2 adults and 3 children) will be $60 We look forward to seeing all of our families and students then and please keep an eye out for any further information on our website!

Say HI to Nicole Issa, our new Teacher in Training!

At first being able to emotionally express myself through my voice was what initially attracted me to singing. I look forward to not only share my experiences with students but also sharing my personal singing journey! I started off with some issues with my voice in terms of tonality but was able to overcome them with the correct technique, patience and practice! Teaching students to stay resilient through the exciting challenge of mastering the voice as well as not being scared of performing is a concept


Creative Holiday Program is a highly interactive and imaginative 3-day program (daily drop-ins welcome! ) for students aged 7-11 years old where young people are guided by our voice, music and drama coaches to create their own theatrical,musical and comedic pantomime performance – from what’s on the stage to front of house, this is a school holiday program like no other * Parents are welcome to come along at the end of each day to watch parts of their performance, or at the end of the third day to watch the entire show that participants have collectively created! ! This program is highly suitable to shy students and we constantly find that shy students develop and enjoy a sense of achievement and confidence after the program!

Join Perlu And Let the Influencers Come to You!
